Is everybody ok?

Please let your thoughts go to those who were killed, injured, or just caught up in the terrible events that occured yesterday. So much pain and suffering which has sadly been seen all to often over the years as a result of mindless terrorists.

I pray that all our friends who live or work in London are safe and away from harms way.

Life is precious, you never know which day will be your last, so never hold back for tomorrow some joy you can have today.

Take care, have fun and stay safe people.
I echo Linda's words. I spent a lot of yesterday trying to track down friends in London and fortunately everyone has been accounted for, although my heart goes out to the folk who have lost loved ones in this tragedy.

First thing i did yesterday was message my friends in London and coonfirm their safety..

It's disgusting that this happens.. it really is.
No one I know was harmed in this attack. My parents were on the Tubes though at the same time only two days earlier after a holiday so I'm just thanking God they chose those dates.

Kinda makes you realise how precious family and friends are.

And yeah, my thoughts and prayers go out to all the hurt and lost through this tragic event.
We passed through Kings cross about 2 hours before the balst. We were all in shock when we arrived at the airport! My dad works at the Bank Of England near Liverpool Street, and I was worried for his safety, but I called them From Kuala Lumpa and it turns out he Stayed in one of the vaults below, behind 3foot of reinforced concrete!

I was well aware of the shock taht 911 caused, but to see in in London, even with this attack being so small in comparison, it really hti home just how terryfying that must of been.

Just chekcing out the newsover here; the papers arre full of it!

An angry Londoner shows his support by trying to lighten the mood: