Is ignorance bliss?


Sep 7, 2001
Do you think there are any times when this can be true?

I always think of childhood, when we didn't have a care in the world. Sure we were fresh meat for limitless kinds of manipulation, but we didn't know any better, right? Ignorance is bliss. ;)
Of course it is.

Ignorance isn't saddled with all of that thinking we like to do. Too much thinking slows down the process of life, and adds all of those useless emotions like anxiety, nervousness, etc. Being ignorant is one of the most relaxing places to be.
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel
I always think of childhood, when we didn't have a care in the world.

Well, I have had cares since I started thinking. Other cares, and less, of course, but at that time they were important for me...
Bliss - great happiness, spiritual joy.

I know many people that fit the title of ignorant. Most of them are happy most of the time and never worry about thinks or give much serious thought to situations that I myself would ponder for WAY too long.

Being ignorant is one of the most relaxing places to be. -MetalMan

I agree...fully.

"What would they care if I did stay. No one would know."
It is entirely true. Ignorence is bliss, thus why it is so popular in Society.

Take my family for example. They are the epitome of ignorance. They are biggoted, conformist, immature people who rarely know what they're talking about. They talk about things they know nothing about as if they knew everything, and dismiss reliable sources in favor of popular opinion. Yet they are all abnoxiously happy all the time. They seem to live without too many cares. They are all very comfortable with themselves and have self-esteems that border on narcissism.

I, on the other hand, am an open-minded, free-thinking, non-conformist, who values maturity and would rather be right than politically correct. I am at peace with myself now, for the most part (at least I like to think I am), but not before I had to go through years of introspection and emotional suffering. My problems seem to come when I try to relate to my family without surrendering my thoughts and feelings to the will of the group in order to fit in.

They are happy, and I'm not. That seems to be the difference, but I will never wish to be ignorant, not even for an instant. Because I know that the grass isn't greener in the other pasture. In fact it is brown and decayed.
maybe yeah, but I don't think that the other side is true as well.

Knowing everything ain't the same like thinking a lot. The first could be combined with happiness, the 2nd not in my opinion, as they trap spontaneity and enhusiasm and banish it too the cellar.

What I try to say is; some people blaim the fact that they are unhappy to the fact that they're smart. Stupid people if you ask me.
True. I can't even count how many times the joy and excitement in things turned into apprehension because I thought about it too much and analysed it from every angle. It's very irritating, but I can't seem to turn it off!

However, I'm also glad that I think a lot, because I now see life through a greater perspective that my family will never know or understand. Not to mention I'm more open-minded.

I fact that's how I got into this kind of music. I utterly hated it at first but thought, logically, why do I hate it? I had no reason other than the people around me say that growling vocals are stupid, cheesy, and evil. Hardly a good reason. So I mentally put my biases aside and gave Tristania (my first band with growls) a listen and suprise, suprise. Not only did I not hate the growling, I LOVED it!

If my family could do the same thing, I know they'd love it too... but they're too ignorant and closed-minded. Oh well... too bad for them.
Why are you so greatly diffrent from your family. Did a fall on the head trigger some thinking button or are you adopted or something. In many of your posts you are bashing your family for being ignorant, for listening to nu-metal and so on. I was wondering if it doesn´t feel lonely to sit on a piller that stands so much higher that the one your family is on. :loco:

ANYHOOO have nice day now
Originally posted by Mayh
Why are you so greatly diffrent from your family. Did a fall on the head trigger some thinking button or are you adopted or something. In many of your posts you are bashing your family for being ignorant, for listening to nu-metal and so on. I was wondering if it doesn´t feel lonely to sit on a piller that stands so much higher that the one your family is on. :loco:

ANYHOOO have nice day now

I don't know, I'm just odd that way I guess. :)

As for the "bashing" parts. I didn't mean to bash them for the music they listen to. I meant to bash them for bashing me for the music I listen to and being completely intolerant of my differences from them. Mainly because they dislike me because I'm gay.

I'm not going to bore you by getting into the dynamics of my dysfunctional family, but we have a "I don't like you, and you don't like me, but we live together so lets make the most of it" relationship. Which is why I harbor more than a little resentment for them. :heh:

And it does get a little lonely not being able to relate to them, but then I usually shrug it off and say "fuck them". :devil:
but we have a "I don't like you, and you don't like me, but we live together so lets make the most of it" relationship.

I hear you. My family is maybe not as tolerant but totally avoids me and does not care less of my life. I even tried to reach out asking them resources...for professional psicological help...they just diminished they say " O do not worry you just get angry we all get angry"...I guess ill just keep myself in my room 18 hours at day in the pc apparently that means im ok for them...
I agree with everything you've said, Belial. And I don't think you're up high on any pillar, as Mayh put it. It's not like you ENJOY being lonely.

And yes, ignorance is bliss. Part of me would LOVE to be stupid, care only about guys and partying and join a sorority and gab on my cell phone about the next drinking destination where I will freak some guy to the sounds of the latest pop or rap song. Not because I actually want to do these things, but because these are the people who are having "fun," these are the people with friends.

As I mentioned before, I joined a sorority a few years ago in a pathetic attempt to make friends (UGH!). And sure, I had a party to go to every weekend. But I didn't have fun, because while everyone would dance to rap (in whitebread Wisconsin, mind you), I'd be seething in the corner, thinking about how all these honkeys have no idea how low rap music is dragging down black society in this country, thinking about how they have no idea what it means to live with actual fear of gangs, how nearly every black guy from their elementary school class isn't dead as a direct result of the bullshit being glorified in that music. No, to them, it's just fun to dance to.

I wish I was able to turn off this analytical mode and just have stupid FUN every once in a while. I do have fun, but it's usually when I'm in a deep conversation, and there just aren't many people to share this with.

I literally feel weighted down with the knowledge of how our political leaders are lying to us, how the media is instructing us what is worthy of our attention, how certain social issues in this country will never be solved because mere ignorance is given credence as a valid viewpoint, etc. I would love to have not cared who won the last presidential election. I would love to not be able to name every person in office. Life would be so much easier if I just didn't concern myself with this stuff.

And yet, as Belial said, I'm also proud that I'm aware of my surroundings. I just wish I had some company. And here, I do. :)
That was beautiful, Lina. I wish I knew people like you where I live.

Speaking as a black guy who lives in a ghetto area, and hates rap music for that same reason. I can really relate to what you said.
Ignorance probably is bliss, but is ignorant bliss good ?

Life is more and more rewarding for me as I'm acquiring more understanding and discovering new ways of thinking and seeing the world. Ignorant bliss is a vegetable. Who would choose to live as a vegetable instead of living as a human ? I would not.

Originally posted by Lina
I wish I was able to turn off this analytical mode and just have stupid FUN every once in a while. I do have fun, but it's usually when I'm in a deep conversation, and there just aren't many people to share this with.

Yeah, deep conversations are the best stuff. But there are only a few people I can have such harmonic discourse with. An irritating fact, but even some intelligent people hide behind superficial masks and never allow the conversation to go beyond discussing simple matters. As soon as it goes deeper, they block it with a joke or sarcasm-shield, just at the right (wrong) moment. It depends on something, I just haven't figured out yet on what.

And yet, as Belial said, I'm also proud that I'm aware of my surroundings. I just wish I had some company. And here, I do. :)

WOO ! WOOO ! WOOO ! WOO ! That's a yes.

D Mullholand
Well that depends.If you are in a situation where you prefer to ignore something it could feel blissfull, especially if something that is irritating or something that you could do with out. But then again ignorence could be stressfull.There times when find yourself in a situation that is really bothering you and if you ignore it it will lead to more stress. For example if someone is irritating the fuck out you and you choose to ignore that person you are not going to experience bliss you will feel the opposite! but if you are in situation were you are hearing some long speech and you ignore it by putting head phones then that could feel rather blissfull! In comparison to the long speech.
:lol: I just noticed.

Lets count my differences. I'm black, living in the ghetto, but I HATE rap and r&b, I speak propper, intelligant english as opposed to ebonics, I'm gay, I'm into Melodic/black metal. And I'm a non-conformist. Not to mention my tastes in conversation goes WAY beyond "bitches" and such.

No wonder I don't have any friends. :lol:
I have a question for you, Belial.

Do you think that the reason you're able to break the stereotypical black mold in many facets is because you're gay and therefore weren't going to be able to fit in anyway? Like, you knew you weren't going to be accepted, so why conform to anything about them? Or do you think some people are just born with an innate intelligence/understanding/awareness of human behavior? I'm guessing probably a bit of both.
Originally posted by D Mullholand
Yeah, deep conversations are the best stuff. But there are only a few people I can have such harmonic discourse with. An irritating fact, but even some intelligent people hide behind superficial masks and never allow the conversation to go beyond discussing simple matters. As soon as it goes deeper, they block it with a joke or sarcasm-shield, just at the right (wrong) moment. It depends on something, I just haven't figured out yet on what.

That describes my brothers very well. Usually, on the rare occasions we have a meaningful discussion, they usually only say what everyone else in the media has said. When I bring the discussion to a deeper level or bring up something unorthidox I end up getting ridiculed, or they make a sarcastic remark on what I said.

Example, one time we had a conversation on the supernatural. It was just a "do you believe in ghosts" kind of thing. I mentioned witchcraft, because I wanted their perspective on it, and they made all manner of Wizard of Oz jokes, and my brother swore there is no such thing as a male witch. They didn't even know what Wicca is, and ignored me when I tried to explain the religion to them. :rolleyes:
Well we all have to break molds every now and then. For example, everyone at my school is a dumbass frat boy/sorwhore-ity girl, and litter their everyday conversations with a million "dudes" and "likes" and "whoa's" and "bummers". I go to a school where JOURNALISM MAJORS use the word "myriad" incorrectly. Therefore, when I tell people I go to San Diego State, they automatically assume I'm a moron, and act suprised when I carry an intelligent conversation. Also, everyone assumes that I listen to ska or pop-punk (esp. since I cut my hair).