Is ignorance bliss?

Originally posted by Belial
When I bring the discussion to a deeper level or bring up something unorthidox I end up getting ridiculed, or they make a sarcastic remark on what I said.

And the saddest thing is when you know : it's inside them, they have something to say, something to share - but they choose to evade and keep it safe...

D Mullholand
Originally posted by Lina
I have a question for you, Belial.

Do you think that the reason you're able to break the stereotypical black mold in many facets is because you're gay and therefore weren't going to be able to fit in anyway? Like, you knew you weren't going to be accepted, so why conform to anything about them? Or do you think some people are just born with an innate intelligence/understanding/awareness of human behavior? I'm guessing probably a bit of both.

That's a very good question, and I'm suprised I never thought of it before now. :err:

I don't entirely know why I turned out so different from my environment. I think it's probably because I never fit in from day one, and I've always felt different from everyone on some level. In elementry school my speech pattern just came naturally, and I could never grasp ebonics because I thought it was stupid. At 14 I learned that I'm gay... I actually felt that way LONG before that, but I only understood it then.

When I learned I was gay I hated myself so much that I cut all ties with the outside world and secluded myself. I guess thats why I'm for the most part uneffected by my surroundings. Like you said, I decided that since I'm gay and no one in their right mind would accept me anyway, there's no point in even trying. At one point I even convinced myself that I'm unworthy of being liked. I was formally diagnosed with clinical depression.

That's also where my analystic mind came from. Over the years I spent a lot of time reflecting on myself as an individual and spent time researching homosexuality in an attempt to "know thy enemy" I wound up learning how just how silly my attitude was.

After that, my depression lifted and I became more and more... human. Now I'm an over-thinking, but fun-loving guy trying to find his place in the world.

I think that people are definitely born with limits on their intelligance, but those limits aren't as confining as you may think. I've seen some genuine potential for greatness in some of the thugs I used to hang out with, but they chose to live a life of ignorance, gangs, and crime, instead of living up to that potential, and that's a sad thing. They were influence by the prevailing culture, and looking at them today (some of them are currently in prison and most of them have a record) I'm glad... I repeat, GLAD I turned out gay, became depressed, and isolated myself. It wasn't pleasant at all, but If the alternative was to become like my former friends, than I think it was worth the price.

It also helps that two of my four siblings also didn't act like the stereotypical black person, and my mother is a fairly intelligant woman. :)
After reading the responses in this thread all I can say is, I LOVE YOU GUYS!!:). Again, if only I knew more people with the intellegence and personality you all possess. Peace and love to all the Opethians out there.
I consider myself more intelligent than the average person, and I am probably unhappy more than i'm happy. Even when I see ignorant people having fun, I have no desire to be having fun and ignorant. Like Lina said I often have a lot of fun in deep conversations or heated arguments, my friends often get mad at me when I start arguing out of nowhere. My longterm goals include doing something with my life, not just getting a high-paying job and getting married just to get married, I don't really know what I want to do, however. I see the people I go to school with that only get through school to get through school, even the people who try hard are only trying hard for the sake of getting into a college that will allow them to be rich, and a lot of girls plan on just marrying someone rich. Many people think that they will be happiest if they devote all their efforts to becoming rich. I know that if I did this I would end up working on something I didn't care about, getting a lot of money, and being miserable for the rest of my life. Right now I feel like shit and I don't look forward to the rest of the year, because I rarely have fun, when I do it's on this forum, hanging out with my friends is occasionally fun, listening to music is always fun, but I wish I could communicate with someone on a deeper level, or have some friends that shared my outlook on life/interests more. Nothing in my life has changed for years, other than personal changes. I just go throughout the same monotonous routine every day, and relax on the weekend, only to repeat the same monotony the next week, I have barely met any new friends that I spend much time with, and I don't have any really close relationships, I'm unhappy for the most part, I don't have anything to look forward to other than getting out of school and living how I want to finally.
Originally posted by Hail Eris!
Happiness is complacency. Which leads to stagnation.

True. Happiness is a goal all of us as human beings strive for in our own way... If we ever attain our happiness we will stop there. Most of the happiest people I know are settled down and living a life devoid of progression or change.

And Lina, most of those girls that seem so happy. Well they may be happy and complacent for now, but when reality strikes them when they graduate and they have to survive in the work force, their bubbles will pop and they'll have to seek happiness over again too. So technically you're better off because you'll be more prepared to face reality when it hits.
Originally posted by Oyo
Many people think that they will be happiest if they devote all their efforts to becoming rich. I know that if I did this I would end up working on something I didn't care about, getting a lot of money, and being miserable for the rest of my life.

Exactly the way I feel. I want money just not the expense of my livelihood. I want to fulfill my purpose and calling, Im just not entirely sure what that is.
Another one to throw at you, “For in much wisdom is much grief, and he that increase knowledge increase sorrow.”

Originally posted by Hail Eris!
Exactly the way I feel. I want money just not the expense of my livelihood. I want to fulfill my purpose and calling, Im just not entirely sure what that is.

I will third this notion. I actually fear what I might become if I were rich. Would I lose compassion? Would people befriend me for me or my money? I am just fine being your average upper-lower-middle class joe :).
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel
I will third this notion. I actually fear what I might become if I were rich. Would I lose compassion? Would people befriend me for me or my money? I am just fine being your average upper-lower-middle class joe :).

I don't fear such a thing, because I'm confident in all the maturity and character I've gained over time. I know that money (even vast amounts of it) won't change me.

Personally, I want to own big apartment... maybe a house if I find the love of my life. And just have FUN!

I picture myself doing something I love (not entirely sure what that is yet), and making enough money to get the things I want, and have a few oddball friends to hang around and talk with. That is the life I want... not some house with me, a spouse, and 2.4 kids, or some hollywood rags to riches dream that is the epitome of optomistic naiveté.

I just want to live as myself and have fun.
Originally posted by Belial
I don't fear such a thing, because I'm confident in all the maturity and character I've gained over time. I know that money (even vast amounts of it) won't change me.

I desperately wish I could say this for myself, but the fact still remains I have this lingering fear that if I acquired vast amounts of money it would change me.
i'll relate this to music. i, like belial, at one time refused to listen to anyhting with growling vocals based on a group fed dislike for them. also, my ignorance of what a growl really was helped further my unprofound hatred of them. when i thought of growling i thought of slipknot and cannibal corpse. i didn't know what a good growl was! then i stumbled upon cynic's "focus" and was literally forced to listen to deathy vocals because i was so in love with the music underneath it. it only took me a day to accept the styling of vocals, i was just so amazed because i had never heard growls used in good music. then my friend introduced me to opeth. i entered blackwater park with an acceptance of death vox, but once the "lepper affinity" took off i was speechless! the music showcased alot of talent and uniqueness...but those growls!!! to me they only heightened the music, just like another instrument, blending seamlessly with the composition. and then came the acoustic guitars and clean vocals, but by then i was already destined to become an opeth fanatic. i had heard the growl done correctly, and have yet to hear a vocalist growl so low without having a slight monotone sound to it. akerfeldt is god!! thanks to opeth and cynic i had a new door opened for me to explore awesome bands like dark tranquility, tristania, atheist, arcturus, red tide, and maudlin of the well, to name a few.
to sum it all up ignorance is bliss only because you are obliviuos to the world around you. you are totally self absorbed and are comfortable with the your conformist likes and dislikes. but then you may not know what's out there and could be missing out on some really good experiences just because ones you follow are to stupid to do it themselves.
Originally posted by Belial

I don't fear such a thing, because I'm confident in all the maturity and character I've gained over time. I know that money (even vast amounts of it) won't change me.

Personally, I want to own big apartment... maybe a house if I find the love of my life. And just have FUN!

I picture myself doing something I love (not entirely sure what that is yet), and making enough money to get the things I want, and have a few oddball friends to hang around and talk with. That is the life I want... not some house with me, a spouse, and 2.4 kids, or some hollywood rags to riches dream that is the epitome of optomistic naiveté.

I just want to live as myself and have fun.

:eek: You took my thoughts right out of my head. I have been struggling with myself a lot lately about career choices and whether they will make me happy or not. I basically, like you, just want a non-stressful job that provides enough money to get by and have some nicer things and to live with someone I love. That's all. In the end, none of those material things matter. I don't want to go to a job everyday that I hate and have to deal with these things. I don't know...I'm not in a very good mood at the moment as things like this have been racking my mind a lot latley. I am so fed up with the way things work. I keep telling myself that everything will be okay and turn out fine. I just hope I am not telling myself a lie. :confused: