Is it possible to pass a hair follicle test?

You know, I've only smoked weed 3 times senior year in high school (3 years ago) and decided it wasn't for me (and certainly haven't and won't try anything harder, except maybe shrooms, cuz I'm undeniably curious ;) ), so I'm no druggie in any sense of the word - but I find it pretty ridiculous that if you have a toke on a Friday night after a long week, you could lose your job over it...then I remember that weed still is illegal...then I start thinking that might be kind of unfair...then I realize I'm starting to sound like some goddamn hippie in NORML, so forget I said anything :goggly:
...huh? Just cuz he tokes doesn't mean he'll bust out a lighter on the job surrounded by flammable fumes everywhere :lol: The issue is these tests showing if you EVER smoke
Sounds like a hell of a predicament, my advice is get friendly with someone who works on film sets or is a make up artist and possibly get a "real hair" wig - wear that to the test temporarily glued to your head, making sure most or if not all body hair is vacant therefore minimizing the possibility of a random hair being plucked from the arse of wisdom.

that was thing of beauty :notworthy
I had to do a hair follicle test once. If there isn't enough hair on your head they take it from your armpit normally. I know at the job I got they weren't really looking for weed, although if a lot of it showed up they most likely wouldn't hire you, but it's mostly for harder drugs. If you don't smoke any at all for the next 6 weeks I'm willing to bet you'll be okay. How long is your hair now? You could probably buzz it all off and still grow enough by the end of May to have a totally fresh batch... I'm not entirely sure that would work though because I believe the stuff they are looking for grows with your hair until it's out of your system... It's not like they are looking for stuff that's in your hair because of exposure to smoke. I know you can be surrounded by pot smoke and still pass those tests as long as you don't smoke any, because they look for 2 different chemicals in your hair and one is only created by your body as a result of smoking it yourself...
!!!!caution!!!!! run on sentence alert lol

my ex girlfriend had to take a piss test to get her canadian citizenship after moving from england. she smoked a fair amount of cron right up to the day of the test, and passed. not the same situation, but still a bit of pot isnt really too bad and not too many people could pass the test, so they would be hard pressed to find employees if they had a completely anal policy
Man...reading people's replies on here is hilarious. Most of you have no clue about weed. Lol.

As far as I know, hair tests go back 90 days if you've done anything in that time period you wont pass period. Sorry to be a downer but that's the truth. I'm sure you have a better chance with the shampoo tests are pretty conclusive. One may want try The Jerry G Method described here, but personally, I'm skeptical about it.
This is solid advice 11 years afrer the dude had the test.
To pass a hair drug test is the most difficult among other tests. And if you are going to do this, please, make a big preparation))) Once I passed, but actually, I had time. Detox drinks, pills, shampoo, - I tried everything my friends recommended me. After all of this, I found info and just tried, the whole process, all necessary staff was described. I read here about the Macujo Method and really work. I advise it to everyone.
As far as I know, hair tests go back 90 days if you've done anything in that time period you wont pass period. Sorry to be a downer but that's the truth. I'm sure you have a better chance with the shampoo tests are pretty conclusive. One may want try The Jerry G Method described here, but personally, I'm skeptical about it.
Everyone could easily pass a hair drug test by not using any illicit drug for 90 days prior to the test. The drugs usually tested are marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines and phencyclidine. These are the ones you need to be mainly concerned. However, some labs may test for other drugs.
There are four proven ways to pass a hair follicle drug test are as follows
  4. USE DETOX PRODUCTS THAT WORK (here you could find a huge number of detox products reviews and customers as well: Toxin Rid, Mega clean, Zydot shampoo)
It helps anyway, I've already tried once. So, good luck