is it true the recording got delayed until february

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
i just got back from florence, italy so i havent been able to keep up with anything and im too tired to search for it. i heard in another forum the recording is delayed until this true? i hope not !
The One That Was In 1989 , Long Time Ago..they Have A Hell Of Alot Of Songs..and Peopel Wil Get Upset If They Don't Record Em...
Fucking Stage Wedges
heheh Rebirth! you slay me!
anyway...umm i heard nothing about that so i cannot provide any help but...i would not be surprised...the holidays can get hectic and WD may still need his rest...
rebirth said:
The Band Is Silent All The Time, They Only Think About The Money...

If I was famous Id only pretend to give a shit about fans so theyd go out and buy records and I could live in Beverly Hills , have huge partys and fuck three women at a time every night. Money is the root of all evil , but it buys me doughnuts. :D
Devy_Metal said:
seeing as how i dont believe everything i read on the internet...why wouldnt i be confused. the band has been silent, and no news media has reported this.
Ah, I guess I was just going with logic: band member get's sick, misses original scheduled date for recording, things get rescheduled to when busy producer is free again.