Is Metal Sludge full of shit or...

I haven't seen anything about that today. I've been looking on tonnes of metal sites today to see if there is any truth in the rumour that Dave Ellefson was joining Metallica.
Originally posted by anvil
I haven't seen anything about that today. I've been looking on tonnes of metal sites today to see if there is any truth in the rumour that Dave Ellefson was joining Metallica.
sludge says that there was a link to a major headline that was definitely a rumor, but they won't say what it was as not to spread it further. so it's not true.
Here is the exact text:

"Some people today saw a headline to a non-existant link and wondered what the fuck that was all about. I'm not going to mention what the headline was because the rumor doesn't need to be spread, but I will say we had heard a rumor and it obviously turned out the rumor was not true. It's a long story, but the person the headline was about is perfectly fine and that headline got uploaded to the page by MISTAKE. It was human error. It was NEVER meant to appear on our page!!! We apologize to anybody who might have seen it for the 2 minutes it was on the page. Some of us who update the page need to be more fucking careful about things. I'm very angry that this took place and believe me, heads will roll. Hopefully most of you were eating Ham or hunting for Easter eggs and missed the whole thing.

To totally change the subject, how was your Easter?"

There ya go! For the record my easter kicked ass. I went to church, I ate ham, I ate lamb, I ate eggs, the lakers won, and I'm going bowling to top it all off............
I played nine holes of golf and got to play bass at my buddy's band practice because thier bass player couldn't make it.

Right now I'm raiding Kimmy's Easter basket (peeps kick ass) and watching the Man Show.

Easter rules!!

Ick I just got I hate that guy. Please don't kill me, I'm not saying anything bad about KISS. Just that one guy (and his 8 million women or whatever he's claiming this week).

I gave all my peeps to my sister.

Now Dave Ellefson's rumored to go to Metallica? Who's next on the rumor mill? Frank Bello? I just made that up, don't get out of control. :lol: Hmmmm.
I give up on Metal Sludge today after getting,, something about goats, something about horse balls (the plastic kind???) and this one about ninjas, who flip out and kill anyone they want. :lol: :lol: Those guys are seriously messed up, no wonder we love them so much.

I heard about Joey Vera, but I never heard anything about Mike Inez. I wish they would just hurry up and pick someone so we can stop hearing crap about who they're going to pick. I don't see James/Lars dealing with Jason for quite a while, if at all. Not sure why, just a feeling I have.
Actually, i couldn't really give two fucks who they bring in because I ain't buying it, and I ain't going to see them. I just hope they don't steal another perfectly good bands bassist.......let me end w/ a quote from the ever so quotable Philip Anselmo circa 1996 somewhere in concert "Fuck Metallica, we're the big dogs now!" This may have been in Akron, Ohio or perhaps many Pantera shows so little room to remember....
I think Phil said that at every show on that tour, that's the way everyone made it sound. I think he said the most in Texas, because I always see references to all the shit he talks at Texas shows (Dallas in particular, obviously). I really don't want to see anyone leave anywhere to join Metallica, either. I don't know if I'll buy it or not, it will certainly depend on what it sounds like. I bought Load cause it was Metallica, I bought ReLoad hoping like hell it was better than Load, I bought Garage Inc because I wanted to actually own the shit on there, and I bought S & M because I played cello for five years and always wondered what metal bands would sound if made classical (I daydreamed a lot in that class, the violin players always sucked and got more practice time than the rest of us). I stayed away from "I Disappear" (didn't download it either so :p ) and I am going to have to hear some really cool shit before I spend another dime on them, and I must say at this point, I don't see that happening.
I saw them twice on the never-ending tour from 1991-1994. Once indoors, once outdoors (the outdoor show was a freebie, my parents used to own a liquor/lottery business that was full of perks!!) It was cool to finally see the band that gave me all that great music from 1983-1991 (yeah, i'll even give 'em 1991, I'm a softie) but really, I wasn't that overwhelmed. I think as far as metal bands go in a live setting, Anthrax, Slayer, Pantera, and Testament are all superior american groups. Let alone Sabbath, Maiden, and Priest.
Pantera came here with White Zombie a few years ago but I didn't go because the venue they played absolutely sucks balls. It's outside in the middle of nowhere, and if it gets windy and you're even the slightest bit sweaty (from standing in a fucking desert all day) you are instantly covered in mud. Security are pricks there too. So I saved some money and stayed home. I heard it was a killer show, but I couldn't bring myself to set foot in that place. I'd already had enough with Megadeth and Metallica concerts out there. I don't even think I would go out there if Anthrax played there (that should tell you something). They might have closed it, I haven't heard of a band playing there in a couple of years now. If they did, it was a service to the people of Arizona to not have to go there anymore. So I missed Pantera. :cry: I also avoided OzzFest, which I think they were on back when OzzFest was cool, because I just don't like outdoor concerts out here.
For the most part I do not like outdoor concerts, unless they are in a stadium, because that is like a giant arena show, or a small intimate outdoor venue, because it is like a club show, only outdoors. I do not like the ampitheaters every fucking city has now. Sadly every big tour seems to play these places in the summer. I only go if it is must see (the who, kiss) or if it is just something cool at a decent price and sounds like a party. These venues all suck though. They are too big for it to be fun for a metal show (ozzfest always suck because the pavilions have seats and there is no pit) and the stage is often not big enough for a band like kiss or ac/dc to have the same production they would in a large arena or stadium. Plus the sound is never loud enough, and you always have a chance of shitty weahter
You are wondering why ozzfest has seats and no pit? That´s because these 13 year old kids with baseball caps and ass chains just don´t know how to mosh, let alone they could get hurt!
I'm hip.

I used to wake up the next day from a good pit a little bruised, a little sore, but no worse for wear. Now, it takes me three or four days to recover. The next morning I can barely move. I think,"I'm getting too old for this sort of thing."

Every time I go to a show, I promise myself I'll take it easy, but once I'm there, my old ass thinks it's thirteen again.

Oh well. As Tyler Durden would say,"Who wants to die without any scars?"
