Is Metal Sludge full of shit or...

I have to be really inspired (i.e. Slayer) to make it to the pit anymore. When Anthrax played w/ Priest I skipped it even. Of course I figured w/ all the geriatrics that Priest appealed to, the pit would be non-existent (it pretty much was, except for that jumping thing) Now, assuming I've got a designated driver, I go straight for the Sammy Adams and find myself a nice sightline. I'm old. These Down shows could inspire me to pit, and if Slipknot would ever decide to be a band, and do what bands do: TOUR, I would be into that...........
In my country a pit is where people just jump into eachother and don't really punch or kick each other at all. And if a girl falls down alll the hard looking guys turn into real men and lend her a hand to help her up. Are the pits more dangerous in the U.S. I've never been there before, but my one buddy said that he saw one slayer live video and showed people kicking the crap out of eachother!! Does this really happen??? OUCH.
When I first started going to shows back in the early 90's, people still "moshed" which is that circular thing you see Ian doing on the stage, just everybody up near the stage was doing it. If you went to see Pantera or Slayer around this time up until 1995 or so, you'd see 5 or 6 of these huge round circular pits break out on one floor (of course both bands were playing hockey rinks) Now you are lucky to see one of these type mosh pits, although there are enough old schoolers who go see Pantera that they get good pits still. Now, the pit has turned into everyone just sort of jumping into one another and the assholes who are there just to throw high elbows and fists and kicks. These guys also grope the girls who are brave enough and cool enough to crowd surf. American pits have went way downhill.
I think they're a great way to get yourself some broken bones. :)

I think, from all of the pits I've seen (but NEVER participated in) that the assholes that Ty mentioned way outnumber the "normal" ones. Come on now, is lighting fires REALLY necessary?!?!?!? That's beyond stupid. It happened while Metallica was on during Lollapalooza. Security kept coming in and stomping them out and they kept getting lit again. Then security got pissed and shot everyone within 30 feet with a fire extinguisher. I couldn't breathe properly for over a week, because my entire chest was on fire every time I inhaled, and I never did get that white shit off my Docs completely. Then I got slammed into and nearly went eye-first into the chain link fence around the sound boards except the guy behind me yanked my arm to save me and fucked my wrist all up, which is better than losing an eye, but I blame the fucks in the pit for that, not the guy who did it. That was my last outdoor show. Anywho, I've seen broken legs and noses and guys come out of there looking like they're half dead, and I'll never understand the appeal of all that. I can't even blame it on men (though I'd like to) because I know there are some crazy ass chicks that go in there too. I wouldn't know the difference between here and other countries, cause I've only been to Mexico... :)

Out here we have a shitload of ampitheaters and theaters, too. They just built two new theaters downtown. One pavillion that I know of. Why, you ask? No idea. No one comes here. Oh I think Seinfeld is coming. Yay.
you know, ellefson being the fucking awesome bass player he is, i think he would make metallica back into the band they were, or i may be dreaming........ooooooh ride the lighting come back come back, i love you so much, dont leave me..........load? no no no!.....go away! dont touch me!! *wakes up* AH! LOAD!?!?!?