is music weakening/stagnating as much as movies have in the past 20 years

Like I tried to say earlier, and Helm so eloquently said, it is extremely difficult to actually find innovation in music, if for no other reason that it is way too vast a playing field to adequatly judge.

As for movies that touched this little soul right here, as well as its other senses, I would easily mention Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind of the tyoe of movie that uses different perspective to tell an age-old story.
you can say all you want, you can bring this as low as you want, but forevermore all it takes is one word in regards to you

Helm said:
could it be possible to find out what the band is called, and to tell me a bit more about the available means of aquiring the record?

helm, i'm totally sorry to skip over this. i meant to answer this yesterday, and i just remembered while i was in my car driving to do something, which basically amounted to nothing (and continues as such).

the name of the band is 'Mournphagy', and you can listen to brief sound clips on my site (in my profile, i think - but i won't tell you how to get to the mournphagy page, because that would be aside the point of the site).

if you are curious after that (which granted, is probably a tough notion), send your address and i'll send you a copy.