Is my bass (sound) usable?


Señor Member
Jan 24, 2011
Raw Sound:
NSOB Raw.mp3 (1.7 MB)!t1FQ0Z5R!Bhw5LUeGHCGXT--b22yhBRHPlXAdbgWn0Nxa64UuXtM

Amplitube preset, no tweaking:
NSOB Amplitube.mp3 (1.7 MB)!Q4djGZBD!V3NVSH73Y8YqJ5Ec9Mi-KFbdE54si2ccdWq5o79kMIk

Added the one with the preset just because, and someone might tell from that if it's usable or not..
Other info:
Brand new strings
Played at 5 in the morning, so I'm not spanking the bass as hard
Cheap Bass
Switched out the magnets in the pickups for strong-ass neodymium ones
Don't know why the volume is low, probably fucked something up rendering

Your feedback is greatly appreaciated!
Since I've been thinking of getting a new bass, or if this one is usable for awhile, thanks!
Bottom line as you said, its a cheap bass...

For that I think you've got a workable dry sound until you get something better... its very high frequency heavy but that might be your chain...

Do a search on here for some of the "how do bass" threads, some really good stuff from guys on here who make bass thunderous...
Related thread:

The tone is OK and the intonation is good (tuning sounds ok).
You can get good, usable tones. I think you're overlooking it.

Keep in mind you can combine the amplitube and the raw signal and flip the phase.
It will give you a heavier tone. But it's a mix where you can judge if something works ok.
IMO you can't judge a tone solo'd.
Thanks for the feedback, guys, it's appreaciated!
It might be bright because of the magnets, not sure, though I'm sure it has a lot with my non existing bass-playing skills..
And I do believe the sound is suffering a bit since the strings are tuned by the core, and the rest of the string doesn't have proper tension..
Good to know it's workable at least, even though it is solo'd..
I'll go 'How do bass' hunting..