Is my existing laptop good enough??


Jun 6, 2007
Well i just got a realy good tower for mixing on at home to replace my sony laptop, but i am thinking is my laptop good enough to track on when i go tracking drums on location it is a 1.7ghz intel celeron cpu with 1.5gigs of ram i know this is pretty slow by todays standards but i am asking how important is the cpu and ram when you are tracking.

I would guess the hard drive speed is pretty important but how much work will the cpu be doing if i am say recording 16 to 24 tracks of drums at the same time i wont be using any plugs while tracking.

Would i be ok with it as long as i am using a 7200rpm external hard drive or do i need to splash out on a new recording laptop as well?
It seems like you'd be OK, but the best way to check is to do a test at home (and if your using a FW interface, get a better PCMCIA firewire card, it'll make a big difference - that said, I don't know what's considered a good FW card, so if someone else could chime in, that'd be great, cuz I'm curious too!)