is only one guitar track can work?


May 29, 2010
well I just tought today about it..
on modern bands you can hear allways 2 rythm tracks
but I tought about it and for example a trio band - in the record 1 rythm track can work?

I heared this great band REVOCATION

edit:sorry its 2 guitar track he just so TIGHT
anyone tried it before?
yeah yeah I was mistaken :p
anyway, is in metal singletracked guitar can work?

Well, Never say never,
but I have yet to hear an example of that which sounded good.

If someone wants to single track out of sheer laziness then I'd be asking them serious questions about why they are bothering to record anything at all.

Double tracking doesn't take that much effort :)
There are things you can do to thicken up a single track eg for a live recording for a dvd or video or something but if you are recording theres absolutely no reason to only do a single track. If the band reckon they won't have time then they've to book more days. It will always sound fuller, thicker, wider and better doubled up
I've done a few things (not metal though) where we used a close mic'd rhythm guitar on one side and a room mic of the same take on the opposite side. It works really well, but it's a different feel than doing doubled guitars.

I did do one metal project with one performance through a different amp on each side (6505+ for the metal-ness, and a Marshall JMP for definition and depth). Worked out great, and sounded super tight and focused.