Is Rap the cause of teen pregnancy?

in most cases, scroggin' is the cause of pregnancy.
how about some common sense, some sense of repsonsibility and keepin in your pants and taking a cold shower...
IAN442 said:
how about some common sense, some sense of repsonsibility and keepin in your pants and taking a cold shower...

nah... an idea that crazy would never work.
Patrick R. said:
It can have an influence...
I agree, it can have an influence on a small amount of weak minded followers. However, blaming Rap for teen pregnancy, is like Hillary Clinton blaming spoons for her being fat.
fah-q said:
I agree, it can have an influence on a small amount of weak minded followers. However, blaming Rap for teen pregnancy, is like Hillary Clinton blaming spoons for her being fat.

Read the comments those idiots made on that story...they are morons.
Patrick R. said:

How is it that blacks can write lyrics about wanting to kill whites, and the media plays it all the time, but if a white band said the same about blacks they would be called evil racists and even get prosecuted (in Europe)?

Who makes these decisions? Why don't white people care? Do we think we deserve it too?
Norsemaiden said:
How is it that blacks can write lyrics about wanting to kill whites, and the media plays it all the time, but if a white band said the same about blacks they would be called evil racists and even get prosecuted (in Europe)?

Who makes these decisions? Why don't white people care? Do we think we deserve it too?
It isn't much different here. In America we have people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who jump at the first chance to persecute anyone who speaks out on the issue. I don't believe we think we deserve it as much as we think we don't have a choice. It's a social form of affirmative action.
gaschamber said:
i blame the fact that sex feels great, and everyone tries to do it as much as possible, even when money is involved, like in my case.

word! Today it cost me just two almond pretzels from the mall!!
gaschamber said:
you got off cheap son, a week ago it cost me 250 from a prosti on liberty ave (and my penis is still paying for that one)
Holy shit. Was that 2.50 or 250? For 250, you should have been able to keep her for at least 2 days.
fah-q said:
It isn't much different here. In America we have people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who jump at the first chance to persecute anyone who speaks out on the issue. I don't believe we think we deserve it as much as we think we don't have a choice. It's a social form of affirmative action.

Part of that affirmative action is also to ignore or underreport in the media when whites get murdered by blacks and to make a huge event of it so that everyone can wring their hands with grief when a white kills a black. (That's what we left leaning liberal types think anyway.)

That happens because the people who make the decisions on what gets reported are trying to cause a future race war - which whites are supposed to lose.
Norsemaiden said:
Part of that affirmative action is also to ignore or underreport in the media when whites get murdered by blacks and to make a huge event of it so that everyone can wring their hands with grief when a white kills a black. (That's what we left leaning liberal types think anyway.)

That happens because the people who make the decisions on what gets reported are trying to cause a future race war - which whites are supposed to lose.
I don't know if their ultimate goal is a race war. I do know that in my town, whites are reported as whites in the fish-wrap and non-whites are reported as suspects.
You are the first left-leaning person I have come across (figuratively) who has such pride in their race. Why is that?