is tequila and coke even a drink?


Sep 12, 2002
despite leaving the party early, and having nothing to say to anyone beyond urging this tall barbie doll girl to continue going to college, like the grandpa i am, i have to say

more please.
i want my bathroom sink faucet to pour tequila and coke. one handle/knob for each liquid. except i have the cold water turned off because it drips, and that would be the coke knob, so it would only pour tequila. which is fine, because i have convenient-store brand .80 "green tea flavored drink" in the fridge-r-ator
Baliset said:
ok i am totally drunk right now.

Terran got pised at me because he offered Wild Turkey to everybody and I drank a swig straight from the bottle. Oh well. It was pretty good nonetheless.

that's funny. i'm noticing that as i get older, i no longer have the tough non-spit-swap standards that i once had. i find myself offering more and more people a sip or a bite of whatever i'm having. i mean, it's kind of like making out by association.

also, i'm sober, i'm not hungover, and i'm drinking that green tea with ginseng fake shit. i layed on the floor for the rest of the night and watched the rest of COBRA VERDE with klaus kinski.
We were out of orange juice as per usual so I used the vodka in TANG and now have a new super favourite drink.
i hope terran realised that (as per Hitchiker's), not only did you probably NOT germ up the wild turkey, but the alcohol probably de-germed your slobbering lips.

also, how the heck do you offer WILD TURKEY around an expect it not to be drunk from the bottle? did he have fucking wild turkey snifters or something?
avi said:
Cobra Verde is the only Kinski/Herzog movie I haven't seen. I do have a copy of his autobiography 'uncut' tho.

avi, i have to say, CV wasn't up to the established bar, not by a longshot, but moments were spellbinding. i watched half of it with Herzog's commentary, too, and he's pointing out how Kinski was disintegrating right on film. funny, i thought he looked more intense in the earliest stuff... but still.

H does his lingering camera thing on a chorus of young african women, and i was zonked by the beauty. like, completely fucked up by it.
I saw 'Little Deiter Needs to Fly' recently and was impressed by Herzog's amazingly restrained filmmaking.

the commentary on Fitzcarraldo tho, priceless.

ps, I saw 'My Best Fiend' along w/'Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe' in the very theatre they filmed the latter. Talk about tunnel vision.