Is that worth the money?

Guilty as charged!

Yeah, I use 'em all the time for drums and vox. I wouldn't say it's the best $40 I've ever spent, but I was surprised at how much they can help if your mic placement allows you to use 'em right.

They really do take the edge off the cymbal bleed on snare and toms, and add some tightness when used behind an LDC on overheads and vox. More than I expected, for sure.

Like adrianvillan said in the other thread, you could just make 'em yourself, but like I said in the other thread, I like the "kit" approach with the nice box to store them in.
I've been thinking of getting some Auralex panels for my home studio, just because I know my room has some funky things going on, that I've learned to listen "around."