Is the Drema Theater Breaking the Fourth Wall 3 CD-Blu Ray package worth it?


Aug 13, 2009
I collect their discography, but I don´t know if paying $60 for this (only available at the Roadrunner website) is worth it. Seems too much to pay when I can just buy the Blu Ray for $17-$20. Is this package worth the much extra dough?

DREAM you probably guessed, not drema, LOL! I should be able to edit titles. :):)
Man, I really wish I went to that show. I live like two hours from Boston tops, and they did so much off Awake AND with a orchestra AND for a live DVD.

Oh well, guess that's what happens when killer once in a lifetime gigs sell out months in advance.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Make all your friends buy their Progpower tickets. :D
I've got it. I look at it like this, how much do you want the show on CD? If you do then yes it's worth it even with the extra amount.
To me, that special package is not necessary even though the show is FANTASTIC. I just don't need the separate audio CDs. At $40 I might have considered it.
It is an amazing show and the Bluray is absolutely worth it. Now shelling out extra for the cd set, depends on the severity of your completist/collector side. Honestly I prefer watching them, so I am ok with buying the video (and perhaps acquiring the audio).

Also you could buy the bluray then get the Audio from HDtracks.
Oblivion Ocean has the right idea. I just picked up my copy of the deluxe package from the post office yesterday, and it turns out that the packaging is very similar to that of the "Chaos in Motion" live set from 2008. I remember buying that set on the day of its release from Best Buy for about $40. Considering that I paid an extra $21 for a comparable product, I would say that it was only worth the price for me because I am a collector. There's no reason for Roadrunner to make this a web-only release other than to sap a few extra bucks from diehard fans like myself. At least I didn't pay the extra ten dollars for the lame-ass poster!

Stay metal. Never rust.
I own the bluray, and while the performance is great, the sound quality is quite disappointing. I'm a huge fan, but this package is not worth $60 due to this. Ymmv