Is the internet finally losing its addictive hold?


APT Keyboardist
Dec 27, 2007
I don't get on the internet as much as I used to. I thought it was just me. But this week three of my MySpace friends posted bulletins regarding "where is everyone?" or "Is it just me or has MySpace died?" It's true. Over the past month or so the MySpace bulletins and blogs have dwindled by an incredible amount. Sure, it's possible that it's just my friends....but, judging by the three others who posted their thoughts, it would have to be all of theirs too.

This place has been deader than it's been since we started the new forum in January. If it wasn't for Brett, we may have gone an entire week without a single post. The Ultimate Metal board as a whole is pretty dead. Scroll down the list of bands and there are hardly any new post symbols.

DementiaRadio got so dead, there was a thread called "Is there anyone out there?" and since it was posted on May 9th there have only been 43 new posts. That's less than one post every two days.

There are three other forums I frequent (ok, maybe not "frequent", but visit once a week) and they are so slow they make this place look like Grand Central Station.

The most active users in my MySpace are my daughter and her 13 and 14 year old friends (six of which have me as their friend - isn't that cute? LOL). Just a year ago, you couldn't even register on MySpace unless you were over 14. Thank God Tom changed that otherwise we'd be hearing "Taps" being played in the distance.

I don't think this is a bad thing at all. But is it possible that our society is finally starting to get a bit burnt out and finding that there's life outside cyber space?
When I'm at home, I find I still depend on the internet as much as ever. Mostly, searching for products and info.

I rarely go to band's sites anymore, though. Only to check on tour info etc.

It seems like most of my entertainment searching leads me to IMDB or Wikipedia. Aside from that, most of my favorite bands probably think I died.

Oh crap! I guess I just agreed with you, in a round-about way. :lol:

In that case, good point Koelling! :rock:

Most of my internet activity comes from Xbox Live (and that isn't much lately). I get on and take a peek around the usual sites and go back to whatever else I was doing. Maybe something will get everybody talking again. Like somebody winning the lottery or something.
I spend most of my time playing poker on the internet. I do surf a little bit when I get bored ,but I just have lost intetrest.I was wondering if everyone was feeling like me.There just isn't much going on.
It has lost it appeal... But I still like to fuck around out here a bit... I mostly use th internet for shopping and news and music though...
I think part of the slowdown is that it's summer..the kids who posted from school (be it lower grades or college kids) aren't in class (and online) anymore, they're out in the world doing whatever it is they do..