MYSPACE:Trojan Horse of Internet Censorship?

I've just read all of that ... I'm kind of speechless.

This is an arrogant and totally public proclamation of dictatorship.

Is the Bush Administration the 21st century Fourth (or should I say Fifth) Reich?

PS - Norsemaiden, you might want to throw this in a new thread, it warrants discussion all by itself... Unless Speed can rename this thread.
I am going to repeat that last post as a new thread because like you say, it is really outrageous. Some sites like informationclearinghouse seem to be under hacking attack today because of this story and I tried to put a certain paragraph into my post three times and something stopped the process and wouldn't let me post it. Last night when I made the first attempt to do this post (including that paragraph) I got a message that my access is denied! It could just be a cooincidental glitch but I'm wondering if that paragraph triggers something which censors it.....!

How does a private company censoring its own service violate free speech?

Norsemaiden said:
By firstly making it cool, trendy and culturally elite for millions to flock to establishment controlled internet backbones like MySpace, Murdoch is preparing the groundwork for the day when it will stop being voluntary and become mandatory to use government and corporation monopoly controlled internet hubs."
This is the most absurd slippery slope ever proposed. He wants it popular because he'll make a shitload of money off the ads.

Another stage of this is to repeatedly cause deliberate crashes of the internet, to make it seem undesirable,

and to price people out of the regualar internet

and into "Internet 2, a state regulated hub where permission will need to be obtained directly from an FCC or government bureau to set up a website."
Internet 2 is only for colleges and stuff isn't it? It's not even intended for mainstream use I don't think.