Is the SC singer a big James Labrie fan?

I am not a vocalist, so i have no real force in a conversation like this, but i personally enjoy listening to vocalist who have an interesting inflection to their vocal range. One singer in particular is Warrel Dane, vocalist for Nevermore (yes i love the band). It was initially hard for me to get into the band because i did not have a full sampling of their materials and i did not have the appreciation i should have had for his voice. Yet after attending a showing of "Le Miserables" on Broadway i realized that his inflection was amazing - he exhibits many characteristics of a broadway singer, yet he is the vocalist for a metal group! I think that it really comes down to presence, as Dane exudes an awesome amount of power by way of his voice. That's just my two cents - although there are many other vocalists i appreciate :D
Just read through this discussion..

I don't know the band, I don't know anything about anything in this forum, really, but I can't help but to feel an awesome amount of respect for you, Andre.. Actually having a good social relation to your listeners, and even giving advice on technique and such.. That's the kind of frontman I want to be myself, although I don't really sing that well, and mostly stick to guitar stuff..

Keep it up.. You rock.