Is there a 3 item maximum at ProgPower?


Sep 7, 2002
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I heard this rumor at BWBK this weekend that Glenn will only allow 3 things per attendee to be signed by bands during sessions. Is this true? Info please!
I've missed parts of sets of bands I wanted to see because of some assholes that had 20 items to be signed. That policy is damn fair!
AngraRULES said:
I've missed parts of sets of bands I wanted to see because of some assholes that had 20 items to be signed. That policy is damn fair!

And LONG overdue! Nothing else pisses me off than to see people in line with 10 things to sign, and 8 of them ending up on e-bay the week after.
Hell, I'd be happy with 2 items per person! Way to go Glenn, I'm glad this is finally happening!
I don't have a problem with it. I remember I went to a savatage/fates warning signing and this guy pulled out every single savatage insert for Chris Caffrey to sign. Caffrey took half the stack and put it back in the guy's back
If only at ProgPower it was like that... It was ridiculous seeing some people with 20+ Savatage items backing up the line...

And I think that they wouldn't feel bad at all about the other fans waiting in line, nor would they agree that what they're doing wasn't very nice...


I am happy that we're not subject to that this year! =)
Harvester said:
I don't think you could handle the pressure. :Smug:

Glenn H.

At least give me a chance. You could give me one of those walkie talkies and I will radio you if I get too stressed.
Yeah, I'm not opposed to this policy. I usually have 50 things to get signed and if I'm the only one there I'll push my luck. If there are 100 people behind me, I usually pick the best 2 or 3 things so I think it's ok. There's this guy at Cleveland every year, and dude, I KNOW you're here, who I call "the backpack guy" and he breaks out vinyl, cd inserts, posters, his mother's left breast, and any other thing. I've stood behind this character and cursed him thoroughly. Now on the other hand, I had Chris Caffery sign about 8 things for me at BWBK but I checked a number of times behind me and there was nobody coming up since he'd already been around for a whole day and a half. I took my liberties in that case. ProgPower gets grueling with some of those folks in line!
woosta said:
There's this guy at Cleveland every year, and dude, I KNOW you're here, who I call "the backpack guy" and he breaks out vinyl, cd inserts, posters, his mother's left breast, and any other thing. I've stood behind this character and cursed him thoroughly.

Not to offend anyone, nothing personal to anyone... but that's the kind of individual I want to avoid at ProgPower's autograph sessions...

Glenn, thanks for creating that policy! :worship:
Great policy! Should be one item...(hehe!)

We've all seen the way the lines back up for the signing's insane. People with a stack of stuff to get signed show no concern for their fellow fans...or the band members for that matter...! Also, it goes to show what a mealy, indecisive fuck you are if you can't figure out what to get signed.

I've got a huge collection, and I like having stuff signed, but...come on...get a life! Get an autograph, maybe a pic, thank the band for the show, comment on their latest material, say "nice to meet you" and get the fuck out...

Rock on!
ashaman7122 said:
Great policy! Should be one item...(hehe!)

People with a stack of stuff to get signed show no concern for their fellow fans...or the band members for that matter...! Also, it goes to show what a mealy, indecisive fuck you are if you can't figure out what to get signed.

I've got a huge collection, and I like having stuff signed, but...come on...get a life! Get an autograph, maybe a pic, thank the band for the show, comment on their latest material, say "nice to meet you" and get the fuck out...

Rock on!

You said it all! May your words be blessed!

Again, assholes, only 3 items! LOL
I don't like waiting in line for anything. I'm the one who's happy to see them play live, then will go home and buy something signed on eBay that someone else stood in line for... At 2003's Wacken show, Slayer had a line about a 100 yards long and 4 people wide. They ran out of time half way through, and people went apeshit. The cool thing was, they all started throwing their beercups in the air in protest. These all have a 1 Euro deposit on them, so we collected the trash and drank free the rest of the weekend. Kick ass strategy....

Incidentally, how about Mattias Of The Night for line monitor? He seems like he could handle it. Of course, you'd need extra security just to protect him when he gets his ass beat by all the people he's busy insulting... Just an idea.
That's just a damn good policy if you ask me. Now if we could only line up the crowd on the floor according to height...

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