Is there a literature thread?


ensammast i sverige.
Apr 22, 2002
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couldn´t find any, and there sure should be one.

so here we go:

soon finished with irvine welsh´s trainspotting. anything else by him that I should read? also kind of interested in some anthony burgess advices since a clockwork orange is awesome.
I enjoy reading manuals.
@Arch: Yes, but you are homersexual. :Smug:
(or something :p)

Literature thread huh?
Dont think it'll work, but sure :)
I'm reading Verne right now, the famous little one: Journey around the world in 80 days :)
Its cool how easy he goes on opium and hennep :lol:
(Hennep = sort of marijuana ..I think..)(damn translating :p)
because i have to read quite a bunch of stuff for university, i began reading not-so-very-meaty-lecture and right now settled with the wheel of time series. easy to read, not much to think about, just plain right for the last hour of the day in bed.