Is this an upgrade?!

Owens is a great singer. I find his style annoying after a while (Air raid siren), but the man has a set of pipes. I dunno how he'll gel with Yngwie. Personally, I liked Doogie's style of vocals (along with most of Yngwie's past singers) style of vocals.

Owens with Soulbender sounds halfway decent.
Absolutely not. Owens is terrible.:puke:

With all due respect, I'll go out on a limb here and say that you couldn't sing 1/4 of the notes that he does to warm up. I understand people not liking his style but let's not bust his balls he has skills. That said if and when this happens I will ceratinly be curious to see if this goes beyond some select shows...
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I respect Ripper's ability to wail like an air raid siren, but his vocal melodies do NOTHING for me. Two or three songs of that is as much as I can stand before changing the channel.

He's a versatile singer, when I saw him with Iced Earth he was able to tackle the back catalog with ease, as we know those songs were sung with different style of singers and it simply worked. I think it will be interesting if he does work with Malmsteen to see/hear how he performs the classic material. No doubt he'll have to stretch his abilities in a different way. I for one can't understand why people bust his balls when he and Halford are cut from the same cloth. There are many parallels between Owens and Jorn Lande. If Time works with Yngwie you can add another to the list. I don't don't think Jorn catches quite as much heat for sounding like Coverdale as Tim does for sounding like Halford.
Upgrade? No, not really. It isn't a bad thing either. IMO, Yngwie hasn't done anything significant in a while, so a change might be a good thing. The outcome will certainly be heavier and less melodic. The question will be if Yngwie changes some songs to fit Owen's style.

I understand why some people can get bored with his vocals, but I caught him in Philly with Iced Earth and his ability was just stunning. With the right songwriting, he can excel (see The Gettysburg trilogy on 'The Glorious Burden').

Steve in Philly
With all due respect, I'll go out on a limb here and say that you couldn't sing 1/4 of the notes that he does to warm up. I understand people not liking his style but let's not bust his balls he has skills. ...

I never claimed to possess the ability to sing. And I dont see how that would matter, anyway. I cringe at his vocals. I also cringe at a lot of rap music, as well. I cant rap, mind you, but does that remove our ability to form and express opinions? If so, the sports talk industry - heck, all of spectator sport - crumbles over night!

So, yes, it's fair for me to say that this is a significant downgrade from doogie White, IMO. He may possess skills to sing, but that doesn't mean we'll all like it. Michael Bolton can sing, too. But the sound he emits is quite annoying to my ears! ;) Ripper's simply not pleasant on these ears, either.
I never claimed to possess the ability to sing. And I dont see how that would matter, anyway. I cringe at his vocals. I also cringe at a lot of rap music, as well. I cant rap, mind you, but does that remove our ability to form and express opinions? If so, the sports talk industry - heck, all of spectator sport - crumbles over night!

I agree that you have every right not to like him. I'll leave it at that.
While this appears to be a done deal....
I can't see Owens being a very good fit for the YJM vocal spot, he's just not the melodic hard rock type of guy. Who knows, maybe this will make Yngwie break his formula and begin writing fresh songs now? Right... :lol:
I can't see Owens being a very good fit for the YJM vocal spot, he's just not the melodic hard rock type of guy. Who knows, maybe this will make Yngwie break his formula and begin writing fresh songs now? Right... :lol:

I'm curious about this. Like you said this might be the beginning of something fresh and new... At least for one album...:lol:
With all due respect, I'll go out on a limb here and say that you couldn't sing 1/4 of the notes that he does to warm up. I understand people not liking his style but let's not bust his balls he has skills. That said if and when this happens I will ceratinly be curious to see if this goes beyond some select shows...

I agree with Sixx a 101%. Tim can deliver greatly, I think he has suffered from bad luck being on bands that underaprreciate his skills.

Now as being suitable for Malmsteen, no I'm sorry. I'm a (stupid) fan of Yngwie and I don't see Tim delivering the style of the Swedish shredder does. On the other hand they cover of 'Mr. Crowley' is an ass-kicker so maybe this is a new direction. I'll will wait to see if a) the rumours are true, and b) Tim can stand Yngwie mood. Jorn didn't make it.

NP: Rondellus - 'Magus'
I agree with Sixx a 101%. Tim can deliver greatly, I think he has suffered from bad luck being on bands that underaprreciate his skills.

Now as being suitable for Malmsteen, no I'm sorry. I'm a (stupid) fan of Yngwie and I don't see Tim delivering the style of the Swedish shredder does. On the other hand they cover of 'Mr. Crowley' is an ass-kicker so maybe this is a new direction. I'll will wait to see if a) the rumours are true, and b) Tim can stand Yngwie mood. Jorn didn't make it.

NP: Rondellus - 'Magus'

Good post. I agree. This is true though confirmed by Yngwie to Guitar World.
I'd like to take this opportunity to appologize to Soundmaster for my remark. I did not mean to offend, I hope you accept my appology brother.
I'd like to take this opportunity to appologize to Soundmaster for my remark. I did not mean to offend, I hope you accept my appology brother.

No apology necessary; no offense taken. I understood where you were coming from, and the point you were making, with your comment.

I'd like to add that not only am I unable to hit 1/4 of the notes he can, I'm probably not able to hit 1/50 of the note he can hit!:lol:
No apology necessary; no offense taken. I understood where you were coming from, and the point you were making, with your comment.

I'd like to add that not only am I unable to hit 1/4 of the notes he can, I'm probably not able to hit 1/50 of the note he can hit!:lol:

Thanks for taking it well and for the laugh! That was priceless!!!!