Is this mix ok?

Vocals sound really good!! I'm not fond of the snare sound, but I thought it was a really good mix.
I think the vocal sounds good because of the singer, I didnt use any pitch correction and just little eq with attack and release to fastest with -12db (max) gain reduction at 4:1 ratio.

The drums are PDP x7.
OH = SP B1
Room = AKG 414
Snare,kick samples using slate.

Godin (dont remember the model) > Mesa Dual Rectrifier > V30 Ceriatone Cabinet > SM57

Musicman Stingray > RME FF800
Perhaps scoop a touch of the high mids in the piano at the beginning to make it a little darker, it just sounded a touch bright for my taste.
Vocal chain.
In order : Eq > 1176 > Deesser
Hope thats help!

Holy crap. That is amazing. The singer is the love child of Geoff Tate and Mark Anthony. Absolutely striking arrangement and production.

Nice work man.
no pitch correction would explain why it sounds so natural hahaha. What a great singer though. I have a man crush on his voice.

One thing i just noticed;Where are the toms in this mix? Very buried

forgive my typical American ignorance, but what language is this song in?
no pitch correction would explain why it sounds so natural hahaha. What a great singer though. I have a man crush on his voice.

One thing i just noticed;Where are the toms in this mix? Very buried

forgive my typical American ignorance, but what language is this song in?

Yeah! havent sampled the toms yet, will do later.
The song language is in Malay. :) Really glad you enjoy the song tho. The producer gonna smile after reading this.. :devil:
A bit of low end roll off and a mid boost only 4:1 compression. I guess proof that if you get a great vocalist giving a great performance with a great mic selection (for them) than it doesn't need much.
Great Mix. Sweet and natural sounding vox. Great performance. The instruments sit well in the mix...nice job.
Snare is a bit dull. I would prefer a bit more "crack" to it. Otherwise.. very impressive production.