here's an email exchange between me and a fellow coworker:
coworker: This is right up you alley:
coworker: One last time:
Me: He's right. It's just too bad the American people vote against their best interests.
coworker: Are you reading the "Twenty-one Reasons Why Bush Will Win ?"
Me: Yes. And did you see what states voted for Bush? They just happen to be the most poorly-educated states in the US.
coworker: You mean the most pro-American, pro-family, anti-tax, pro-gun, anti-gay, hard working...
People in Colorado are well educated, as well as the western states. Ohio?
Daschle is OUT!
Me: Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and parts of Texas etc...only the racist hot-bed of the nation where they think they should own uzis to defend their little patch of grass against those darn A-rabs that hate their freedom, because God knows, those A-rabs and Gay individuals want to take it away.
Ohio, a state that lost 200000+ jobs during Bush, and gained a whole 5500 back. Yeah, way to vote against your best interest! Yay for democracy!
coworker: Might be a reason why them damn A-rabs only killed a few thousand people in New York.
Maybe them Rednecks know something.
Me: Yes, the reason being our un-wavering support of occupational terrorist state of Israel and our firm belief that "we must spread freedom throughout the world".
Just another example of America's stubbornness.