Is time travel possible?


Sep 7, 2001
I do not believe time travel is possible, for the human species as it is now. Even if we figured out how to do it and developed technology to aid us in doing so; time travel would most undoubtedly require traveling at extraordinary speeds and I simply do not think the human body could handle those speeds, not to mention you would have to spend years upon years in the acceleration process. Also, ponder this, if the human species were ever to invent time travel, wouldn't someone from the future have come back to the past, if so they have been smart enough not to show us or tell us they came from the future. Also, who really believes that we are the only beings in all of space?
how if the future hasnt happend yet?, i think if the future / past is predetermined ya they would but if not, nahh
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel
Also, ponder this, if the human species were ever to invent time travel, wouldn't someone from the future have come back to the past, if so they have been smart enough not to show us or tell us they came from the future.

Well that would be assuming that the time we live in now is the past of a future world. If the future has happened yet, how can you travel from it to the past?
:confused: :loco: :loco: :loco: :loco: :confused:
In the September issue of 'Discover' magazine, there is an interesting article about a physicist pursuing the 'multiverse' theory. I think we had a post about this before...

To briefly refresh your memory, the thoery goes like this: all concievable outcomes to all concievable scenarios exist simultaneously in different universes. It would be possible to travel back in time and alter the course of events, but the universe in which you altered things would be different than the one you originated from (the universe of your origin would NOT cease to exist)
So the paradox of going back and killing your father before your conception is solved in that you kill the man who would have fathered you in another universe. You can not actually kill the man who fathered you in your universe (although potentially another you from an alternate reality could come and kill your father before your conception-but don't worry, the fact that you're reading this post means that none of your universe-hopping alter egos came and murdered your father)

Does that clear things up for you?:loco:
Time travel is SCIENTIFICALLY proven to be possible!
I don't remember the exact circumstances, but they sent a photon back in time 0.000...0004 seconds or something in a laboratory.

Happy now? :)
While its true that today technologies wouldnt allow a human being to travel at the speed of light or beyond there are also other ways to potencially travel at that speed and beyond, It would require to compress the universe infront of the person and expand it behind it making it travel at a incredible rate...Of course the ammount of energy required for such a thing its beyond today's human Knowledge but it could become true in a not so distant future.
I believe anything can and will be done :D
Its is scientifically proven impossible :p In theory if you travelled at the speed of light time would stop, so it follows that you could in theory travel back in time. But also in theory if an object over the mass of a photon travels at the speed of light, the closer ir is to it, the heavier it becomes, so at the speed of light its mass would be infinite, and so would the energy needed to get it there.. so in short, it isn't possible.

Its also raises all the questions like - what would happen if you travelled back in time and landed on ur mother killing her... You wouldn't be alive to travel back in time, so u wouldn't kill her meaning you could travel back in time and kill her meaning You wouldn't be alive to travel back in time, so u wouldn't kill her meaning you could travel back in time and kill her meaning You wouldn't be alive to travel back in time, so u wouldn't kill her meaning you could travel back in time and kill her meaning etc. etc. :loco: Mindfuck!
Originally posted by Johan
Time travel is SCIENTIFICALLY proven to be possible!
I don't remember the exact circumstances, but they sent a photon back in time 0.000...0004 seconds or something in a laboratory.

Happy now? :)

yea man. However, the particle going back in time is just an interpretation, we have no way of knowing/proving that that's what actually occured. This interpretation is the best fit for the data however.

Nothing can be known with absolute certainty.

It is possible, theoretically, but at the same time it's not.....i'd explain why, but i'm on a limited time frame at this moment....might explain it later....but, if you wanna check out a good book about the subject matter, Paul Davies' "About Time" is a wonderful book that explains a whole hell of a lot....a lot more than i ever got out of my 2 years of astronomy classes....check it out :eek:
Originally posted by Black Dragon
The speed of light is not the speed limit so to speak. Certain sub atomic particals in nuclear fission reactors are believed to be moving faster than the speed of light, I think.

Yub, but they have to have less mass than a proton to do this, so it doesn't help us travel back in time
What about the fact that time as we know it is speeding up? I'd love to try and explain how I feel about time travel, but I can't do that. I don't know. I believe there are multiple dimensions. But, what I really want to know is....

Did anyone see Hyper Space last night on The Learning Channel? :eek: my god. I've never gotten a clearer picture of the solar system in my life. :eek: It was insane. It was scary, which I liked, they told it how it really is. I'm not a complete buffoon about it. I know there's things I couldn't even imagine out there, but last night I was showed actually what was lurking in the universe and I know I shouldn't be, but I was stunned at how AWESOME it all is. They had computer graphics of EVERYTHING they talked about. It was incredible.

I loved the information about black holes. Now, that's craziness! I don't think I've watched TV with such enthusiasm and giddiness EVER. Space is so interesting to me. God, that'd be so cool if someone else knew what show I was talking about.

:err: You got me interested...will this Hyper Space show come on again sometime? I would like to catch that. I can remember doing detailled reports of black holes back in 7th grade.:lol: I was quite a dork...but I was also the only dork talking about singularities and other paradoxes.
I believe (but I don't know a shit) that time travel isn't possible because the past and the future don't exist but only as ideas in our heads. There is only what is now, and the present moment is on constant change. So in that case it would be proper to say that time isn't linear or circular, it's just a point, a pixel.
...Science has always been reinventing itself....Concepts everyone considered absolute truth are overtrown by new theories all the time its in constant change...thats why its factible and possible and it will be done because science always destroys previous science and its human nature to be so arrogant to make a concept a universe law in a desperate atempt to understand it all, everyone eventually comes to the point where you understand that as a mere mortal mind so limited will never uncover all the secrets and will live forever in doubt nothing its for certain nor would it ever be...
Little off topic but this is why i believe it can and will be done.
Originally posted by Opet
What about the fact that time as we know it is speeding up? I'd love to try and explain how I feel about time travel, but I can't do that. I don't know. I believe there are multiple dimensions. But, what I really want to know is....

Did anyone see Hyper Space last night on The Learning Channel? :eek: my god. I've never gotten a clearer picture of the solar system in my life. :eek: It was insane. It was scary, which I liked, they told it how it really is. I'm not a complete buffoon about it. I know there's things I couldn't even imagine out there, but last night I was showed actually what was lurking in the universe and I know I shouldn't be, but I was stunned at how AWESOME it all is. They had computer graphics of EVERYTHING they talked about. It was incredible.

I loved the information about black holes. Now, that's craziness! I don't think I've watched TV with such enthusiasm and giddiness EVER. Space is so interesting to me. God, that'd be so cool if someone else knew what show I was talking about.


I saw it, and I can tell you, what you saw on those episodes are just barely the tip of the cosmic iceberg.