The female vox towards the 11min mark remind me of something lifted from Ashtar's Urantia. I love that album, so I don't mind in the least. This kid's not going to become rich off of this carbon copy, so no real harm done I suppose.
But seriously. I still plan on delivering the EP, i just won't make any more promises or even general statements about the release date until it is finished and actually being released. I work like 17 hour days most of the time and it's really difficult to get out of the work mode and relax enough to create/record beautiful music. I work on things when I can, but baby steps. I have four days off in a row coming up pretty soon so I'm hoping to get cracking on this shit while it's still cold outside. guess i have some time though.
also, i still haven't forgotten that i owe copies to a few of you guys. it's not really anything like the demo, seeing as how this is like 6 or 7 years later... but i think it's cool.