Is V not on iTunes?

Harris The Epic

The Keyboard Guy
Dec 14, 2010
Long Island, New York
I lost my hard copy of V and accidentally deleted a song from my iTunes. I thought I'd just download it again from the itunes store, but I'm looking for it and it's not there. Anyone know what's up with that?
You're one of very few Marwen

and for as long as I have used Itunes, I've never seen V listed, wasn't it released on a separate label at the time?
As far as I know you're out of luck
High-five Marwen! I'm not using any iSomething either and never have...

Just curious do you listen to music on a portable device ? Im seriously looking for one other than the ipod classic i have when this dies , i want to find one that has good EQ or one that at least has bass and trebble control.
Well, actually I don't listen that much music with a portable players. I DO have one very old mp3 player, works great though. I've never been a fan of the iProducts. And in the summer when I'm out and we're listening music, my friends have all the players :D
I don't use iTunes either! I'm not paying for low quality compressed music :)

The Apple mp3 players aren't even particularly good, honestly. A few years back we got my wife a 2gb Creative Zen which was built better and had more cheapers and better quality for cheaper.

Plus you can copy music to it from any location and not lose it all when you synchronise it elsewhere!

Anyway, I always rip my CDs to WAV as soon as I buy them. I have all my music in WAV format and I play that on my car stereos with USB hard drives or SD cards =D
I refuse to buy mp3s instead of cds. If something is only going to be available as a download, it ought to be available as a flac or SHN'ed wave file. I can make my own mp3s, I want the best quality if I'm making a purchase.
You could rip the song from youtube, but the quality probably won't be amazing. You could torrent the album and just take the song (say you are scared of being caught, they can't do shit to you if you can prove that you own the album). Also, the MP3 version of this album is not avalible on (I checked). I'd say your best best is to torrent it. It will probably be the same quality as itunes.