Is ...


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
Eyes of a Stranger the greatest freaking vocal performance ever in metal?

Been on a QR kick lately, made a mix for the car, and that track just soars so much cranked up. Tate never sounded better ....
lurch70 said:
Eyes of a Stranger the greatest freaking vocal performance ever in metal?
It's up there. and if it isn't, it's another performance by Tate that is. When he sings, "the rosary wrapped around your throat", I get chills every time. Hell, I just got chills typing it out. By Tate, I also love "Take Hold of the Flame" (probably my favorite), "I Dream In Infra Red" and "The Killing Words".

Take Hold of the Flame ... that bit where the drums come in ... priceless.

Tate was good on Warning but O:M he has his best moments ...
i saw this video on headbangers ball a couple months ago. i just couldnt believe it. i bet all the kids watching were like, "wtf is this 80s crap?" haha
i alllllllllmost bought O:M today but found Badmotorfinger instead. what a fucking awesome album, even more so than i remember back in the early 90s
dorian gray said:
i alllllllllmost bought O:M today but found Badmotorfinger instead. what a fucking awesome album, even more so than i remember back in the early 90s

oh hell yeah, just rediscovered this one myself a month or two ago. Quite incredible.