
today in film class i was shown this french film from the mid-'50s called "La Jetee." the story is conveyed by a narrator as a series of black and white stills play on the screen. i recognized one of the last stills as the photo of the shadowed figure used in Celestial. it was noticeably disturbing for such an old film. . .

i often wash my clothes in the fifth dimension.
??? was that french film directed by Chris Marker? it seems i've seen bits of it, unless i'm mistaken. have you seen his film "Level Five"?
I have two of their discs, so if you want a track list or something, I can post it. They don't seem very publicity-oriented, and they prefer to not include their lyrics in their inserts so as to remain more obscure and art-faggy, and rarely play older songs live because they don't think you should go to a show and expect to hear a parade of hits).

The openers, Hello, Attack! were really good. They were an instrumental, three-guitar +bass +drums, melodic rock band. I wished they'd had a disc, 'cause it would be a cool thing to listen to at work. I didn't see much of the next band, 27.

Isis was excellent. They put on a really energetic stage show, and were loud and bombastic as fuck. They DID play an old song or two. Their sound was excellent, and they really had their shit together. At one point they had three guitars, a bass, drums, a keyboard, and two singers going and my attention was kept throughout the show just by picking out the interesting things each of the musicians was doing with their instrument during the songs.
i want the new album....
i want the new album....
i want the new album....
i want the new album....
i want the new album....
i want the new album....
i want the new album....
i want the new album....
i want the new album....
i want the new album....
i want the new album....
i want the new album....
i want the new album....
i want the new album....

i'm not sayin'... i'm just sayin'
That's too bad. It was a friendly crowd, too...some dude came over to us and just started talking about himself and all the famous people he knew, for like twenty minutes. I don't think he heard a word of our responses, either.
Its awful that i missed that.. i love freindly crowds. I think im the only person in the world that loves when strangers come up and talk to me...especially on the T in boston. Oh the stories!... the stuff lifes made of! haha.
Originally posted by D Mullholand
??? was that french film directed by Chris Marker? it seems i've seen bits of it, unless i'm mistaken. have you seen his film "Level Five"?

YES. eyes have not come upon level five though.

isn't that the film on which Twelve Monkeys was based?

it would appear so. plot line follows: earth is ravaged by world war three> humanity driven to live in deep places underground> experiments are conducted on people> experiments are directed toward time travel> experiments fail except for one man who clings to an image of the past> he is able to travel into the past and meet the woman of his image> these encounters continue until his mind is stronger> the mad scientist dudes then send him to the future> here he convinces future humanity to assist the past> he is given a fuel source large enough to run the worlds economy as it was> he is now useless to them and the scientists are set to have him liquidated> the future people observe this and save his ass> he asks to be sent back to the woman in the past, and it is done> the scientists track him down in the past and mince him> the last few shots are of him dying (pics used in celestial booklet)
Big. Complex. Triumphant, godly metal, with subtle vocals, used more as a texturing device within the music than as the music's focus. They've got this massive, driving bass that keeps a steady, slow (not Khanate-slow, though) cadence with highs and lows...not a lot of wanking and solos, but they have (at times) three guitars all doing something different with their FX equipment...
Originally posted by O'blivion
YES. eyes have not come upon level five though.
'level five' is a mindfukkingly brilliant film, it manages to be about the Okinawa battle (the mass suicides, documentary-style on acid, for lack of a better description) and about the social peculiarities of internet technology at the same time... very dense with imagery and text, often simultaneously, you gotta have a multi-tasking mind sometimes to get a grip at all the streams - puls the music is quite un-'soundtrack': Stockhausen/Xenakis-like soundscapes and noisebleeps everywhere. try to find it if you're interested in such stuff.
Originally posted by loudsilence
I hate to categorize stuff, but what genre would you put them in? If possible. Cause I know stuff like what Mike Patton does is hard to do that.
the thing about isis is that they are genre transcending. their influences are hard to pinpoint, as if they just fell out of the sky and brought with them some alien approach to music. our collective lexicon cannot yet describe what is being heard in this band. bottom line: ISIS are essential.

'level five' is a mindfukkingly brilliant film, it manages to be about the Okinawa battle (the mass suicides, documentary-style on acid, for lack of a better description) and about the social peculiarities of internet technology at the same time... very dense with imagery and text, often simultaneously, you gotta have a multi-tasking mind sometimes to get a grip at all the streams - puls the music is quite un-'soundtrack': Stockhausen/Xenakis-like soundscapes and noisebleeps everywhere. try to find it if you're interested in such stuff.

i enjoy mindfucks. this sounds a bit like 'the wall.' every time i watch it i notice something i hadn't noticed before. is this a movie i'll be able to find on video?
Originally posted by O'blivion
i enjoy mindfucks. this sounds a bit like 'the wall.' every time i watch it i notice something i hadn't noticed before. is this a movie i'll be able to find on video?
i don't know about the video question, i live in ukraine! :zombie:

('the wall' was a bit redundant, i thought, apart from the excellent animation...)
Isis used to be on a show with Shazam in the 70s. She was hotter then.