Isolation Years

Benighted Joe

Oct 21, 2005
Stockholm, Sweden
I was in the city (Stockholm), browsing record stores for
Novembre's "Novembrine waltz", when I happen to stumble
over a group called "Isolation Years"! I quickly made
the assumption that they had nicked the name from Opeth's
song, but this was not the case though. Apparently,
Isolation years is a swedish group who made their
debut 4 years before Ghost Reveries... So no, they couldn't
have nicked the name from Opeth... But maybe the other
way around? Perhaps Mike saw this group and thought it
was a good name for a soft song? Or maybe it's just a
funny coincidence.

Anyway as I listened to this mellow rock sounding, kinda
singer/songwriterish album - on the record store's stereo -
I decided it was nothing for me. It sounded OK I guess...
Pretty nice from a far, but pretty far from nice - if you know
what I mean :)

Have you heard this group and in that case did you like em?
I'd like to hear them.

It's interesting where Mike gets track names. As far as I know, Still Life, Blackwater Park, Master's Apprentices and now Isolation Years are all obscure/old bands.
Jude said:
I'd like to hear them.

It's interesting where Mike gets track names. As far as I know, Still Life, Blackwater Park, Master's Apprentices and now Isolation Years are all obscure/old bands.

Yeah! And "In my time of need" is definetely nicked from Led Zeppelin's song "In my time of dying" :)