ISP Decimator Pro Rack G question... help me out

Josh Burgess

Feb 18, 2008
Tampa, FL
I've been thinking about getting a Pro Rack G, and I've heard some conflicting opinions on how well the signal tracking works. I'm mainly interested in it, because it's supposed to constantly monitor your signal before the amp and after the amp and adjust accordingly, in order to avoid choking out sustain when switching to clean channel, rolling back on guitar volume knob, etc.

Does this really work well? Can you have the gate setup to close quickly for tight staccato rhythm playing on a high gain channel, and then footswitch to your clean channel without your clean tone being cut off from a too high threshold? It says it does this, but I've heard a few people say it doesn't really work as well as ISP claims....

Anybody here have any info?
I have a ProRackG and a G-string pedal. The ProRackG is awesome, because you can control more of the signal than you can with the G-string (single knob). This piece is the hands down best piece of gear I have ever purchased. You can easily switch from distorted to clean with no signal drop since it does track the input signal. I can get full controlled feedback for solos if I want, or it will cut my notes for quick stop/start action depending on how you play. It makes my rig 100% silent and pro for live situations.

ISP is also awesome, because, the inventor/builder is the one who answers emails and questions. They have been fantastic. Nobody has service like that these days. I use it with a Engl Powerball (used to have a Mesa Recto).

Thanks for the reply, Trent. You'd think there would have been more replies about this, considering this is a forum full of metal guitar players with high gain amps. haha.
Thanks for the reply, Trent. You'd think there would have been more replies about this, considering this is a forum full of metal guitar players with high gain amps. haha.

No worries. I don't know if a lot of people around here have the ProRackG, it is rather expensive for just a noise gate/etc. Like the chap above us said, the G-string is also a great unit and half the price. It is up to you if a little more dialing is worth double the price.

I am getting ready to put my G-string on ebay. The only reason I got the ProRackG was because I got a very good deal on one, otherwise the G-string would stay in my system.
