Issue 49 Scoop

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
OK, my brain got twisted around on Monday, decided not to put the new issue in the mail and make some changes cause as it was there were going to be few new CD reviews and according to the survey, more of you pay attention to those than I thought. ;)

So Issue 49 mailed TODAY, it's at the post office, with looks at the Maryland Death Fest, an Art of Noise show review, Rapture band profile (they've had it for months but waited til the album was out in the US before answering... clever, confounding bastards), looks at the Stratovarius MP3 situation and what ended up happening, Andy Franck's caught with his pants down, plus CD reviews and clearing the backlog of some of the columns collecting dust as two of Dan 'numbskull' Berger's better efforts see the light of day.

And the reviews, including what in hindsight is a pisspoor Bathory review... which sums up my feelings totally but doesn't go into the 'why' very well... ah well... the lengthy Strato, Negura Bunget, and Provenance reviews do the job much better.

To fit the reviews in, the Wuthering Heights interview (which is going to take 4+ pages) was bumped AGAIN but will appear in #50, along with Madder Mortem...
Originally posted by AUTOPSY 666
I got the issue today, it's humorous how clueless you are about Brutal Death Metal.

Then inform me, please.

I started out in metal at a time where if it wasn't brutal, it didn't stand a chance.

... and there was good stuff, and there was not good stuff.

The not good stuff was very brutal, with brutal imagery and was all blasphemous and very urgh urgh urgh urgh and that was the entire point.

The good stuff had another point it was trying to make and the brutality was just a tool to get the band there.

And logos that look like cumsplats were stupid then and they're stupid now.