Issue: Exporting to mp3 = song playing faster...

Mat Laperle

Dec 30, 2006
hey! if someone could help me on this, it would be awesome!

the problem is in Cubase, I try to export my project in an mp3, However, the resulting MP3 is way faster than the original song. It doesn't encode right or something.... i never had this problem before, but with this new project, Ican't seem to get a mp3 at the normal speed.. this is really weird..

WHY?? aha

thank you!

and here are the specs of my project if this can help.

cubase sx3
30 fps
48 000 khz
record file type : wave
Im not sure about cubase but in logic I can bounce to a wav and MP3 at the same time but when I do this I need to set the wav version to 16bit 44.1.

Apart from that... Um waht brett said