It Just Hit Me!!!!!


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Mar 29, 2003
For some strange reason 7 months AFTER I was on stage with DC Cooper And Friends At the ProgPower 6 Pre-party it hit me today. I was onstage with DC Cooper, one of the greatest vocalists and the composer of one of my all time fave CD's (His self titled solo album) and Tore Ostby (Conception/ Ark). I'm not bragging at all just kind of floored that it happened. And most of you were there which makes it cooler than hell. Thanks to Urban Breed for the pep talk before. I was too excited to be nervous. So if anyone needs a bongo player for their next release, hit me up.
Why is it that so many of your posts/threads include phrases about not bragging and whatnot? Just a little curious. I mean, I am all about a little shameless self-promotion from time to time, but cmon man.
Actually to be honest I do not remember ever posting any thread or reply for that matter saying that. And in the event that I did its simply and honestly to make sure that people that do not know me know that I am not. Those who know me already know me to be humble and I try not to bring attention to myself.
The_Q said:
Actually to be honest I do not remember ever posting any thread or reply for that matter saying that. And in the event that I did its simply and honestly to make sure that people that do not know me know that I am not. Those who know me already know me to be humble and I try not to bring attention to myself.

I don't particularly recall you saying anything like that either.

You did really well though. DC was my fave band of the pre-party. A few complained that he "talked too much" but I thought he was very entertaining. In fact, I "like" his solo CD and own it, but he comes across better live. I thought he was outstanding, with the help of PP fans like you and Dargormudshark (Andrew.)
