Just read that ARK is no longer


Got Shred??
Feb 6, 2002
Canton, Georgia
On Mike Portnoy.com. There is a long time user who's son takes lessons from Macaluso and John let out of the bag that ARK is no longer together.

Here is what he wrote:

A sad day for ARKAHOLICS!!!

Don't shoot me I'm only the messenger!

Just got back from my son's lesson with John Macaluso and he told me the whole story.

All I will say is it really sucks when you put money before friendship. It's a business I guess and sometimes trusting a friendship before business may be a little nieve. I guarantee this is not the last you will hear of John Macaluso and Randy Coven. I can't say much for the rest of the band!

Maybe someday we will hear the tracks to the 3rd ARK CD???

and also

I see John on a weekly basis and bust his chops about how poorly he handles his website as well as the ARK site. So each week I would prod him for more info about the "new ARK CD" and he would give me bits and pieces of info but never fully divuluging all the details, which I've posted from time to time on the ARK site. So tonight I started busting his chops telling him that he needed to get more involved with his website and keep the fans updated, because people were saying how this was just like how the Van Halen board was running for so many years with no response from the band. and that's when he said, "well the fans are gonna be real upset now", "it's over, I'm moving on and I can't change what happened". That's when he told me the story. I think at first he was devistated, but based on the lessons and his actions for the past week, he seems to be over it and pursuing other projects he's working on.
I just know from hearing some of the drum tracks that John was coming up with the 3rd ARK cd would have been the best so far.

Now this so far is just from a message board but I got an e-mail from the cat and he let me know some other details. I believe him and I am saddened. I certainly hope that John, Tore and or Randy let people all know what is going on and or what went wrong.

Well, I dont think it's a suprise to anyone at this point. Still, it is disappointing. I still think "Burn the Sun" is one of the best albums ever made.
Hmmm. Well...does that mean that ARK is finished? Or just that Macaluso is out of ARK? Of course, when your vocalist, bassist, and drummer are all gone that doesn't leave much of a band does it?

Anyone know who was singing on the newly recorded material?
from the e-mail I got. It means that John and Randy are out and Tore is going his own way, that = ARK no more in my book. Also the more I think about it as soon as Jorn left maybe that was the end of ARK back then. C'est La vie

Burn The Sun is one of the greatest albums of all time. I'm really upset that ARK is no longer together for good, though it seems to me that when Jorn left the band, it was already it.

Now we gotta wait for not only a Conception reunion but also an ARK reunion. =\
If they get JB (Janne) from Grand Magus and more recently (also) Spiritual Beggars on Vox, it would be better. Jorn has his fingers in too many pies. Hopefully Randy would stick around, too. I guess it is basically John's project, right?