It only took us 4 years to put our shit on iTunes (Skylab)

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Better late than never, I guess. The funny part is that we're almost done with the second album while the first releases on iTunes, heh.

Soooooooooo I remember there were a few of you who wanted it but were unable to get it for one reason or another. It should be about ten bucks. I gave the tracks to a few of you for free (of course, because free music is awesome) but this has all the lyrics and such if you want. Stay tuned for more whoring of my band since we've got two new members and will actually become a band after four long years...

Oh, and by the way, feel free to share with whomever you want in whichever way you want. Torrents, blogspots, whatever. Rip the shit out of it, host it on a server and give it away for free if you want, we don't give a shit. Just as long as the music is reaching as many people as possible.
haha wow that really reminds me of a more industrial/progressive Skyfire. that being said though it's definitely really good (i totally dig that style), congrats on the itunes release and i hope the album does well!