It seems Bush is campaigning for the Serbian American vote


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
Visit site
this weekend there were several stories documenting financial contributions from Albanians to the Kerry Administration, because they trust that he will put Kosovo back on top of the US foreign policy agenda and stand behind Kosovo independence.

There is also this

and today I'm doing a story on how the Bush administration is all about ending the work of The Hague Tribunal and either tranferring the cases to region courts or giving the accused amnesty, stating that The Hague threatens regional stability.

So I'm thinking, would I vote for what might be better for the world or for what might be better for my homeland if I was still in the US?

And I'm not sure.

Also...can I do an absentee ballot thing? I'm still a US citizen dammit! Does anyone have a site with info.
It's almost certainly too late to do you absentee ballot. The dates are by state, so I'm not sure, but a week or two ago there was a big rush to get registered because I think the last dates passed.

The fact that Bush supports something tends to make me think twice about whether it's actually the right thing for me to support.
The Dope informs me you are from New Jersey, unless you are previously registered to vote you're SOL. Sorry dude.
azal, if you don't vote in this election, i don't want to see any posts whining or bitching when Bush is bombing the crap out of your country and you're all like "my arms! my arms!"