It was fate...


This morning my son had a art class that I dropped him off at. I had some time to kill. Today is a holiday in the U.S. & I had the day off & my son had the day off. Anyway, I had time to kill & I hit this pawn shop in town, figuring I could pick up a few used games or something. I went straight to their discs first since I have my priorities. I saw this box above their discs. I moved it a couple of times. I saw a Malmsteen disc & a Vai disc that I had in my clutches, they were mint. I was about ready to head over to the video games when I moved the box again. It said Dark Genisis. Dark Genisis?! It could be... Upon taking a closer look it was! I just about soiled myself. It was the Iced Earth box set! I opened it, thinking "It probably is missing a disc or they are beat to shit." They weren't! I went straight to the counter & pulled out my cash. Dude says "cd's are $4.00 each." He asked how many discs in the "book?" I said four, he said $24.00. I paid the man & ran to the car! I couldn't believe I got a mint Dark Genisis for the cost of a new disc!
By the way, after that I completely forgot about the damn video games...
Fuckin' score!
good deal man, but when it first came out it was for $25 on That's where I got mine. But that's still pretty damn killer because you can't find it anywhere now. Sure you can buy the remastered versions individually, but you can't get "Enter The Realm" unless you get the box. Any way killer deal man. I found "A Triple Dose of Venom" for only $13 and it has "Calm Before the Storm" and the live one (I can't think of the title right now because it's in German) and each one of those discs is more than $13 a piece
fuck,thats a bargain.i brought that new iced earth album the other day(cause of your recommendation sixx,and you were bang on),and that alone set me back over $25.
you lucky bugger.cant remember the last time i scored something that cool so cheap
MURAI said:
When you said "It was fate..." I thought your kid got expelled from headbanging madly in class.
Well, I got three kids. The odds are very good that at least one of them will be into the heavy stuff. I would really score if all three are into metal. Right now, they all like certain bands for various reasons. Let's face it, when you're a kid you like things & later you grow out of it or they develop their own tastes.
That´s a cool find. Is it the version where the discs are all mixed up ? That´s the one I have. I think the first 1000 were messed up. I could have returned it for a fixed version but I was too lazy.
AngelWitch73 said:
That´s a cool find. Is it the version where the discs are all mixed up ? That´s the one I have. I think the first 1000 were messed up. I could have returned it for a fixed version but I was too lazy.
Oh man, I heard about that happening alot on the Depths of Hell message board (RIP) Some people were hoping that it would be some kind of collectors item, but others were just annoyed by the fact that the discs were jacked up.
IcedMadness said:
Oh man, I heard about that happening alot on the Depths of Hell message board (RIP) Some people were hoping that it would be some kind of collectors item, but others were just annoyed by the fact that the discs were jacked up.
At first I was annoyed by it but once I figured out which disc was what I have no problems.