Italian cuisine

you can find pretty awesome stuff almost everywhere, the Italian cuisine has some nice things,
but nowadays I dig the Spanish cuisine a bit more and I fucking loved everything I ate on Madeira!
Not sure what the best meal was, but I realized that it's not about how hard you're trying and all
the special things you're doing with it, it's about the quality of the ingredients and passion.
One of the best meals I ever had was in a small (like 10 seats) restaurant/bar on Samos/Greek Island,
in the middle of nowhere (we had to walk 10 kilometres, no way to go there by car, and there was
only one way, all the other sides were surrounded by cliffs) but the cook had a small garden with
fresh vegetables and herbs, all the seafood was fished there (you were sitting on some kind of balcony
that was above the sea) and fresh, he just grilled some potatoes, fish, herbs, all together in one big
bowl and it was delicious!
Erik and Anssi got it right! Portuguese cuisine owns!

If you know where to look, which restaurants to go, have some real portuguese traditional food... yes! My all-time favourites are still "Papas de Sarrabulho" (Looks horrible but it rules) and Francesinha (cause I grew up where it came from woop woop)

But Italian Cuisine is very good as well, I do love some well made risotto, I remember when I went to Italy and Risotto is basically and entrance?! Wtf? Eating a whole bowl of Risotto then a main course and then dessert... fuck :S
Well people don't just eat pizza and pasta, that's just a tiny bit of our cuisine.
just to let you know: we have something like 1000 types of breads, no kidding dudes.
Just think about how many dishes we have. the problem outside italy, people eat the same shit over and over again (pizza / pasta).
yes, it will get you maggots in the head for sure lol
just google: sushi brain maggots

those brain maggots are what makes sushi so delicious :dopey:

Well people don't just eat pizza and pasta, that's just a tiny bit of our cuisine.
just to let you know: we have something like 1000 types of breads, no kidding dudes.
Just think about how many dishes we have. the problem outside italy, people eat the same shit over and over again (pizza / pasta).

hm from what I've experience in Roma italians do it pasta most of the times as first dish before the "real" meal starts :lol:
christmas at rome is a real challange for my eating skills every time.
Fuckin love risotto al scampi (I think its called something like that)

but yeah I think the best thing I ate so far was pasta matriciana near matrice (or however the place is called were it is from, Im sure the spelling isnt correct anyway :P )