
haha don't go getting all sympathic on me, if i'm alone it's my choice, always has been, life aint no knight in shining armour coming to sweep me off me feet, it's full of assholes who every time i get with one take a little bit more of me and destroy it, and when it gets to the point when you can't even remember the person you used to be because you've changed that much, you take a step back, and you look at your life, and realise that you truly are happier alone, because when you think of the good times of the relationships... it's just not enough...

so basically, i'm happy exactly how i am, and i've been like this long enough to know it's not gonna change any time soon, so if i do end up spending the rest of life alone... well at least i'll be happy...
haha don't go getting all sympathic on me, if i'm alone it's my choice, always has been, life aint no knight in shining armour coming to sweep me off me feet, it's full of assholes who every time i get with one take a little bit more of me and destroy it, and when it gets to the point when you can't even remember the person you used to be because you've changed that much, you take a step back, and you look at your life, and realise that you truly are happier alone, because when you think of the good times of the relationships... it's just not enough...

so basically, i'm happy exactly how i am, and i've been like this long enough to know it's not gonna change any time soon, so if i do end up spending the rest of life alone... well at least i'll be happy...

ok sorry, I'll stop......
hehe maybe i do... but i guess we don't usually get what we deserve. right now i'm content, i like someone but we both decided getting together now isn't a good idea, we've been friends for years and i'm more than happy just being close friends with him, as for the future, who knows.... but i'm never letting another guy change me...
[wisdom]You will know you have found The One when you WANT to change for them and would never regret it. Life is an endless chain of compromise. The real trick is to be able to compromise without losing your identity.[/wisdom]
So, what about Italians? Any Italian guys 'round here?
Well i agree with Katie, because shit happens to me too! generally perhaps it's better to be alone, until one day that either you'll find the One like florimel said, or you'll just want some 'company' for the rest of your life... because when you are old it's difficult to be alone, you'll need a hand for help... so perhaps i'll get married at 30-35! that's 9-14 years from now! right now i'm actually single LJ... i'm enjoying my time!