ITS A BOY!!!!!!

NOW i see it!
I spent like 20minutes to see a human at all! :lol:
But yeah, thats pretty kewl man!
Congrats man!! As a father of a 10 month old son I'll tell you this much, stock up on movies or tv shows to pass away the time while night feeds are going on. We were like zombies until he started sleeping all night! Congrats and may your boy be a happy and healthy one!
Congrats dude! My wife is waiting for our seconds girl, and despite the fact that i really wanted a boy, i am very happy too! It is the best feeling in the world no matter what!

But i gotta agree with whoever said its better to postpone it a few years. Had my 1st when i was 25, the seconds is coming at 27...If the first came now, i'd still have all the hair i lost in those 2 years :grin:
You're going to be so happy. My niece is the best thing in the world.

I would suggest wearing a condom for at least a year after he's born, or you're going to have your hands REALLLL fulll ahaha.
Congrats man. I have 3 kids and I can confirm from experience that the day of the baby's birth will be the happiest day of your life man - for real. Kinda funny how your outlook will change too. Enjoy it bro - it goes way too fast!
haha thanks alot guys! Yeah Ill be playing it safe for at least a few years lol me and the wife both have career goals that we need to focus on before we can commit to another child.

jangoux: thats funny, we are in the opposite situation. the wife has a 4 yr old son, and we are having another boy lol. she is gonna go crazy haha. She would have loved a daughter, but luckily her sister just had a little girl. you will have your hands full with those young ladies though my friend! Im so protective of my sisters, I think a daughter would give me a heart attack lol.