It's amazing how much a quality cab can improve your recordings.


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
I just got my Orange 2x12 and man...what a night and day difference from my old avatar. I also just got the bias mod done to the 5150.

When I first plugged into the Orange I wasn't feeling it, mainly because I was use to the avatar. But it sounds great to my ears now. No more boomy recordings, full sound, no farty bass.

I love it!

I dig it dude, and I'd also be interested in your thoughts on the bias mod; I sorta feel like it's a similar situation with the SM57 on a guitar cab; sure, there may be other ways to mic a cab that sound good, but if tons of great sounds have been with just one 57 on one cone, and I can't get it to sound good, then maybe the problem is with me, not the gear.

And yeah, having a great cab definitely helps - anyone who wants the deal of a lifetime, check out this thread!
Thanks guys!

Do you guys think that is a usable tone? I didn't mess much with it, just the normal Maxon boosting the front.

Hmmm...didn't spend much time with the bias mod yet. But, it definitely improved the amp. Seemed to open it up more, made it more dynamic, and it definitely sounds BIGGER.

I think it's a win/win situation getting it done. If you don't dig it, you can simply turn the pot down to bias it colder again. But damn, I love it so far. The 5150s are biased so damn cold. My tech said my quad of JJs was running at 8mv! It's now at 32 I think with the mod. Definitely worth it in my opinion. Cheap, effective, and reversible.

maybe it's the speakers and not the cab?

speakers indeed make a big difference, however there is a very noticeble difference between a mesa 4x12 and a diezel 4x12 (I REALLY like the diezel 4x12, I use it on almost every professional recording!) it has to do with a lot of factors, how the cabinet is built, wired, etc
I'm not discounting the cab, but unless the same speaker/setup has been placed in both cabs, it's a stretch to blame the cab.

I have several cabs and move speakers around quite often.
Possibly it's the speakers...In fact it is probably plays a great factor in the final recordings.

But, I will say that the cab definitely helps in this case for a few reasons. My regular Avatar cab sounds good, don't get me wrong. But it also has a mix of speakers (one g12h30), which most definitely affects the tone of the vintage 30 in that cab.

Also, the speakers had a tendency to loosen in that cab from the baffle. Easier than on other cabs in fact. That and the low end isn't very pronounced on that cab like the Orange.
