it's autumn and i'm in a doom sort of mood


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
and i'm not talking about your stupid loincloth "doom" shit with 21 year olds hanging out in graveyards with giant crucifixes thinking they're black sabbath, but actual towering grey decaying death doom monoliths of total misery

who's heard the new MOURNFUL CONGREGATION, "the june frost"? it's PRETTY COOL. they're getting kind of more abstract and ethereal, like skepticism in a way, but much more riff oriented. another cool album that cannot be overrated highly enough is INDESINENCE "noctambulism" which is like 2007 but no one seems to care about ONE OF THE BEST ALBUMS RELEASED IN RECENT YEARS. it's seriously so fucking good it will kill you. oh and another thing that's cool is COMATOSE VIGIL from russia, especially the rehearsal. grim.

WINTER "into darkness". some things are "legendary" and "genre defining" without actually being very much fun to listen to xx years later. THIS IS NOT one of THEM. jesus fucking christ this album is crushing and utterly before its time. fukkkkkk. WINTER rules.

hey. anyone heard the new EVOKEN (they totally lost me with "antithesis of light" so i haven't bothered) or MAR DE GRISES yet? any other DEATH DOOM or FUNERAL DOOM (i.e. TRUE DOOM) releases lately?!?!
hey i still haven't heard CEREMONIUM "into the autumn shade"

i've been meaning to buy it for like 8 years. why is this.
lets go rehearse some then, im bored out of my skull and also we have an AWESOME DRUMMER in town who is equally bored.. so
I thought The June Frost was a hit and miss album. Check out Profetus though. Their album is the best of the few funeral doom/death albums I've heard from this year.
if you want some solid atmospheric doom in the vein of latter anathema/antimatter/katatonia crossed with Jesu, check out Akelei. i am very impressed with this promo that was sent to me for free. there's a good review here

i still say Morgion's Solinari is one of the finest doom/death albums ever made.

try Funeral's From These Wounds.
try Funeral's From These Wounds.
have it. it's good but samey, i have difficulty getting through the whole album. they've since released a new one, so i should probably get it seeing as i have & enjoy pretty much everything else they've done.

cook-ta said:
Check out Profetus though. Their album is the best of the few funeral doom/death albums I've heard from this year.
okay i will do

grisvald said:
lets go rehearse some then, im bored out of my skull and also we have an AWESOME DRUMMER in town who is equally bored.. so
sorry but i saw this way too late man
another cool album that cannot be overrated highly enough is INDESINENCE "noctambulism" which is like 2007 but no one seems to care about ONE OF THE BEST ALBUMS RELEASED IN RECENT YEARS. it's seriously so fucking good it will kill you.

Awesome reco, I'll be on the look out for a hardcopy of this.
if you want some solid atmospheric doom in the vein of latter anathema/antimatter/katatonia crossed with Jesu, check out Akelei. i am very impressed with this promo that was sent to me for free. there's a good review here

I'm going to second this j recommendation. Akelei is some great stuff..definitely reminds me of katatonia (their leads); a more doomy discouraged ones. See the song De Zin; which an amazing song, my favorite off the promo :goggly:

They have two new songs that can be found here:

Edit: Link to aforementioned song