It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

FretsAflame said:
Blizard, your cat looks like he's a badass, love the name ;) lol

This thread needs more dog though.

He is a badass too...but at the same time he's kinda dorkie. Mr. T's a "Man"koon mix and I got him from the pound. He was really sick when I got him, but now's he's really healthy and getting super fat. He's got this little bald fat patch that dangles from his belly. I guess it's 'cause he eats like there's no tomorrow...
Stealer of Dreams said:
Yay, tuxedo cats are the best. Mine is a sillyface.

Do you call your cat sillyface? OMG, 'cause everyday I come home I tell my cats: "What's up silly" but in this really high voice, ala Dragonforce...
I knew I wasn't the only one!

He was a random outdoor kitty, one of the many we always have, but he is a mutant because he was born EXTRA furry, all from a family of nothing but inbred domestic shorthairs. So he was the cute one that I always played with, and then one day he ran under my car when I started it up!!!! and a belt sliced a tiny bit of the top of his ear off!!!!! So I felt so bad for him I had to bring him in and take care of him, and awwwwwwwwwwwwww
^and I love you for making him your real pet. awwww. :p :)

p.s. I'm going through a big cat tragedy at the moment. two outdoor orphans left in the fuckin' pit. :mad: I think I'll end up in our fancy psychiatry hospital in the west part of the town as a consequence of stress.

p.p.s. I want to get dressed to kill people. I think I'm still not too old to learn how to.