It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

yeah this is her again with my lil bro


and thats her being the usual lazy she is



and finally this is one of the girls she gave birth to not too long ago. i called her ham. the other one's name is sandwich


Nay, this is Tiger, the Britisch Silver Tabby shorthair from right across the street. This fellah got harrassed and beaten at his original home. Can you understand pple that give out a fortune for their cat only because his name is Baron from BladiBladistan, so they can later bully the cat into constant stress and pain? I cannot.:cry:

My neighbours from across took 'm in a few months ago when they found out Tiger got mistreated but he's not very happy there although they like 'm very much. It's 2 bloody german sheppards and 4 other cats that showed Tiger no mercy.. and he turned very skinny last few weeks.
The vet said he's healthy but stressed out and that he needs rest. Not that Stinky ain't a pressure but 6 or 1 makes a difference, i hope.
Stinky already has showed him, she's the grunt and hiss specialist in this house and he seems to find it all well. Tiger is tired but i think he'll manage. Stinky isn't looking for a confrontation either, they both go their own ways.
I'm letting them be,. If they fight, they'll fight. Thus far, no outragious and screaming cats...
bit awkward to have another cat in the house and time will tell, if they'll get along.



Yin Yang

Anyone here ever introduced two full grown cats to eachother?
Do's and don'ts, please.
Iris, your cats are SO freaking cute. Makes me want to go out and get one.

And to answer your question: Yes, I've introduced grown cats to one another. It's not that much fun. My cat was a crazy recluse, and the cats he was introduced to were assholes. At first they hated each other, but eventually they got used to being around one another. As long as they have their space, and they're not forced to spend too much time together in the beginning, they should be alright.

Have fun. :)
Iris, your BOTH cats (now both) are divine! Stinky is not alone! :)
I have never seen ANY cat accepting well neither a small nor a grown cat. it's always a horror. but they nicely get used to each other.. in a way. (although Bodo always has to slap the small one, if she's looking at him from a distance smaller than half meter. :s ...small, because she really is small, and Bodo big, because he is as big as terrier.)
Pavica can never get away if any of these two want to play, she has to get slapped, chased and similar stuff... :Smug: )

no, I can't understand ppl that are mean to animals.
when I get asked if I could kill a human, I say that I think I could if the moment was wrong. right, that is. :err:
Áll cats are divine. i mean, duh :dopey:
My all time fav pic of Cici, Tee!

Such a handsome kitty.

Such gorgeous eyes.
Yeah, cats and newbie's in their territory don't mix that well.
Place ain't a problem, they can have enough places of their own.
They are not shut out from eachother when there's someone at home and they leave eachother be... so far.
Stinky has not been alone for long, she grew up with 2 other cats so that might be a plus.
She's a weirdo, lotta hiss but huge siss'..
Tiger follows every step i take in the house, waits patiently untill i'm finished and follows me back to wherever i sit down, takes a nearby chair or place on the couch and just 'lays there.. and meows at any attention.
But hey, both don't drool, don't eat my plants, know what a litterbox and scratching pole were made for,
and are still sweet after they've been through.
Noble kitties :oops:
One problem though, Tiger seems to be attracted by my running waterwell..
Not good for a wooden floor if that goes wrong! :erk:
Supersoaker doesn't work for both, double layered coat, they don't mind water and besides,
i don't like scaring the shit out of them to warn them off.
Silly cats i have, both fascinated by running water!
Ah well, they're not alone :)
A few years ago, we had a little kitten at the clinic named Angel who was an absolute purring machine. He had a defect which kept his intestinal track backed-up and he was born with a favea capitis (femoral head) too small so he was only able to stride along the floor without putting much pressure on his pelvic muscles. I assisted in his 3rd surgery to correct the fecal elimination problem Unfortunately, he didn't survive the surgery. So this is in memory of the little baby.





oh btw my cat had her babies on my bed. lol so funny i was sitting there playing guitar i looked at my cat thought everything was ok then i turned around again coz i heard her meow and there was 3 cats! whoa trippy
you know, my mother needs a kitten...a kittenbeast we can train to be outdoors and a mouser...
we cant seem to find anyone giving kittenbeasts away for free to good homes....
(iris, your kitties are soooo cute!!)

my cat; ils have a beter photoo laters on or soemthing maybe... maybes not...
WinterSolstice said:
A few years ago, we had a little kitten at the clinic named Angel who was an absolute purring machine. He had a defect which kept his intestinal track backed-up and he was born with a favea capitis (femoral head) too small so he was only able to stride along the floor without putting much pressure on his pelvic muscles. I assisted in his 3rd surgery to correct the fecal elimination problem Unfortunately, he didn't survive the surgery. So this is in memory of the little baby.





Poor bebe...That is probably the cutest kitty I have ever seen :cry:


The open mouthed one is my Maui...psychocat.
The noble dog is her makeout buddy, Penny...