It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

Yeah, when the eyes open up then they are pretty much the cutest thing in the world. which reminds me i should post a kitty picture of an old cat i use to have named "oreo"


That is close to Xena's fur pattern, except she has really, really long fur. Oreo is so damn cute!

When they are first walking is my favorite kitten stage, then they run around, pounce on each other, and do that funny little side hop. lol!

might have already posted this pic long ago. My cat Goku. One of the coolest cat's i ever had. The cat would go fox hunting with me, and had a personality of its own. A coyote got to it 3 years ago, but it lived to be very old.

as you can tell all my cats are outside cats.
Mine just eats, Iams adult cat food with the hair ball control. She won't eat people food, no matter how many times you give it to her. But, she will cut your throat for some country ham for some reason. Has to be that kind.
i don't have a camera but the cat in this video is IDENTICAL to my cat, although i think this one isin't double pawed like mine.

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