It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

frank, those kitty pictures are so fucking adorable! gahh i think i have that empty nest syndrome thing since my cats are big now.

yes, i am TOTALLY a future cat-lady. i've already been told this many times :Smug:
Taupe does the same thing. they're totally twins.

I haven't seen Mobius since Saturday morning. She likes to take vacations every once in a while, disappearing and showing up 3 or 4 days later. But it has been below freezing here since early Sunday morning and I'm starting to worry.

Mobius, if you're reading this, come home!

I haven't seen Mobius since Saturday morning. She likes to take vacations every once in a while, disappearing and showing up 3 or 4 days later. But it has been below freezing here since early Sunday morning and I'm starting to worry.

Mobius, if you're reading this, come home!

:( I hope she comes home soon! Keep us posted. Have you tried putting out some kitty food, or cat nip, too lure her back? Damn, big E hugs! You must be worried sick!
The Prodigal Shithead returns



I swear she does this just to torture me. She lets me worry for a day or two then comes back knowing that I'll give her all sorts of extra attention.