It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

Chairman Meow sleeping
haha that's one of the names i was thinking of naming the kitty i'm going to get probably next weekend (depending on how things go, want to make sure everything is all set first so i can responsibly adopt), should've figured it was pretty widespread; maybe i'll still go with that or back to the drawing board
haha that's one of the names i was thinking of naming the kitty i'm going to get probably next weekend (depending on how things go, want to make sure everything is all set first so i can responsibly adopt), should've figured it was pretty widespread; maybe i'll still go with that or back to the drawing board
catt damon
Goodbye to your nails ticking on the floor
Goodbye crazy kitty, going nuts and round and round until i finally gave you your meat
Goodbye my sweet and warm comfort, always nearby whenever i needed you
Goodbye silly old tart, 16 years you were by my side and now it is your time to go
Your last years were your best years and together we found warmth around the peaceful hearth
Goodbye sweet Stinky, may you be in peace and without pain forever
Catch me in the dreamtime untill we meet again
I love you and i miss you
-Translated from Dutch-


Stinky 14-04-2012 †
Yeah, RIP Stinky.
I'm still sad and broken about this.
Stinky was getting backproblems and i still do not know if it was neurological or or that it was Artrose but she was walking funny and she couldn't keep her hips steady anymore. She walked like she was drunk and on a bad day, she sometimes fell over her own legs. It was breaking my heart to watch her in such state.
She had her ups and downs but she was getting worse real fast.
At a given moment i realised the painkillers she had weren't sufficient enough anymore...and that was the moment i decided not to push it any further.
When i called the vet, i had to cry so hard that the assistant hardly understood what i was saying. After that, Stinky made clear she was done with the pain and that she was at peace with my decision. I'm very glad i didn't wait untill she couldn't get up by herself anymore or that she couldn't make it to the litterbox on time but it was one of the hardest decisions i made in my life. I know Stinky is at peace but it still stings that i had to put her to sleep.
Stinky was very good in reading my mood and always knew when she had to let me or comfort me and i miss my buddy very bad.
Tigor is still with me but he has the opposite character of Stinky.
This september i have plans to introduce a new kitten to our home.
I have my mind set on a Russian Blue and if i am lucky, i'll post pics.
Sorry about Stinky :(

We had a kitty suddenly have a seizure and die last week. His name was Popeye, and I had a really obnoxious way of calling his name. Now I can't do it anymore :(
Hello i'm Luba Blue d'Or, but just call me Luba!
In Slavonic Luba means 'great love' and i'm a happy Blue Russian girl. Well, almost Blue Russian.
My mommy is a Blue Russian pedigree cat but she broke out of the cattery and had a one night stand with the cat from next door, a big cypers cat. You hardly see it on me because i look strongly like my mommy but i'm not a full breed Blue Russian. Since a few days i have a big gray cat bossing me around in my new home, but as long as i keep my distance and don't bite his tail, he does not hiss on me. He is quite bigger than me and is very impressive but in hardly 3 days time, he lets me get closer bit by bit and he doesn't hiss on me anymore. But oh man, do i find his tail irresistable and he does not like that but hey, i will win him over! I know very well where my litterbox is and i know what a scratchingpole is for.
I love to play with a plastic shrimp toy and balls with bells are the best!
Well, i guess you will see me over here more often but this is it for now, i'm so sleepy byezzz...



Within' a week, Tigor tolerates her near him.
He likes wrestling with her but when Luba starts to bite his tail and legs, he walks away with a little hiss.
They go along very well and Luba is learning a lot these days.
I love to watch her play and i'm also very proud of Tigor, because he is very sweet and being a great 'big brother' for her.
Everything he does she does too and he's ok with that, as long as she's not to wild.

Mini and Maxi <3