on Kalmah's Swampmetal scale this is abit of a dissapointment: 2/5.
How many times did you listen to it? I have listened many, many times, and I think it's a really solid record. I think there are only two or three tracks I don't love... But I didn't feel this way at first!
How many times did you listen to it? I have listened many, many times, and I think it's a really solid record. I think there are only two or three tracks I don't love... But I didn't feel this way at first!

Yea, i got to give it more time to get used to. It was maybe to early to judge on 2 days almost non stop playing of the album. But that's my first impresion still (=Swampmetal scale 2/5).
well, i dont mean i think Swampsong is the worst, thats just the order i like the albums RIGHT NOW. I am a huge Kalmah fan, i listen to them everyday, its just my opinion. To be honest, i always change the order i like them. they are all too great. Swampsong was the first kalmah album i listened to and i was blown away. And about their new one, at first i thought it was great, but now listening to it ALOT, it has grown on me very much. Its amazing. It took time for me to absorb and love the Black Waltz.
YESSS!!!! Finally now we can discuss this beautiful swamp fucker legally. I'll give you my thoughts on the album (spun it like 30x) tomorrow, for I am too drunk to type more than like 369 words. I'll give you all a week to let it sink in, then it's SONG SURVIVOR TIME!!!
Oh and I will boldly say that "Wings of Blackening" could be the best Kalmah song ever made! Holy SHIT! And the end of the solo of FTR pumps me up so fucking much tis the most epic tightness +4.
i love the new album!!! i think the riffs in Towards the sky gets me soo pumped up. but along with wings of the blackening it think like a slave is the best.. like someone else said the album ends the way it started!!
All the Kalmah albums are amazing. Their "worst one" is still better than any other melodic death metal bands album. They are all ranked the same in my book.
Ok sober now. Anyone want to do a song survivor? I did one for every album like a year and a half ago, and it was quite fun. How about in a week's time I set one up and let the arguing and politics begin?
Ok sober now. Anyone want to do a song survivor? I did one for every album like a year and a half ago, and it was quite fun. How about in a week's time I set one up and let the arguing and politics begin?

should be fun
weve got quite some ideas and some people around lately :heh:
Does anyone else love Ready for Salvation. That is one of if not my favorite song on the album. As far as favorite album goes mine is probably The Black Waltz, which by my observation seem to put me on the outside as not many ppl tend to agree with that.
as i hear from the live thread the shows in canada are pretty fucking awesome i hope they come here to the us
my copy arrived today |m| already listened to it through download but now i own this beast of an album :metal: