Its hanged, not hung

How long did it take the fake moon landing footage to hit America?

...I'd say, as soon as the government hits the upload button.
Yeah according to the report there are two other guys waiting to dangle.

Ya know, CNN had film of some big riot by Saddam supporters, "protesting" his hanging.

But where the fuck were our gunships with the automatic 50-calibre gatlins??

I mean, those were all of Saddam's brutal Baathist slaves! The same fuckers who're setting roadside bombs all these years, killing our troops one by one.

They are the enemy. They are gathered in one place. Worshipping their god on earth, the man who gave them comfy jobs running torture chambers and secret informant offices.

Our gunships should've bombed the living shit out of those protest rallies, wiping out hundreds of bloodthirsty enemies at once.

Instead, CNN makes them out to be democratic protesters lamenting their beloved icon's unfair demise.

What the fuck!!
