Saddam captured
This image released by the US. Army on Sunday shows former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in custody after he was arrested near his Tikrit home on Saturday night.
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WASHINGTON: The American war in Iraq turned a decisive corner with the capture on Saturday of the United States No.1 enemy Saddam Hussain.
Not a single shot was fired in Operation Red Dawn, conducted by 600 soldiers of a quick reaction unit of the 4th Infantry Division, and the fugitive dictator reportedly gave himself up without resistance.
He had a bushy salt and pepper beard, but was otherwise unaltered in appearance. Soldiers found four AK-47 rifles, a pistol, and $ 750,000 in cash in his lair.
The soldiers broke out in celebrations even as officials tried to contain the news of the breakthrough which happened at 8.30 pm Iraqi time, pending an absolute confirmation that it was indeed Saddam Hussain. He was shaved, and a DNA test was reportedly conducted.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we got him, Iraqs American administrator Paul Bremer told a news conference that was convened once the determination had been made.
US military commander Lt Gen Ricardo Sanchez then showed a video of Saddam in custody, his hair dishevelled and a long beard streaked with grey, which he tugged at reflectively during what seemed to be an interrogation session.
Sanchez said the former leader was not injured and has been talkative and cooperative. He was tired and seemed resigned to his fate.
In Baghdad, video images beamed by CNN showed people appearing to celebrate on the streets amid bursts of celebratory gunfire. Some Iraqi journalists were reported to have chanted Death to Saddam at Bremers press conference. ( Does the capture of Saddam make any difference to the global war on terrorism? )
The news of Saddam Hussains capture was said to have been conveyed to President Bush by Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld at around 3.15 am, while the President was sleeping in Camp David, Maryland. Bush flew back to the White House soon after.
In a television address at noon on snow-blanketed day in Washington, Bush said the capture of Saddam meant the Iraqi people would never have to fear him again and they could look forward to Sovereignty for your country, dignity for your great culture, and opportunity for every life.
WASHINGTON: The American war in Iraq turned a decisive corner with the capture on Saturday of the United States No.1 enemy Saddam Hussain.
Saddam Hussein in custody.
Moving in on what was termed actionable intelligence, US soldiers found Saddam holed up in an underground bunker in a rural farmhouse, close to his home town of Tikrit, 100 miles north of Baghdad.
Not a single shot was fired in Operation Red Dawn, conducted by 600 soldiers of a quick reaction unit of the 4th Infantry Division, and the fugitive dictator reportedly gave himself up without resistance.
He had a bushy salt and pepper beard, but was otherwise unaltered in appearance. Soldiers found four AK-47 rifles, a pistol, and $ 750,000 in cash in his lair.
The soldiers broke out in celebrations even as officials tried to contain the news of the breakthrough which happened at 8.30 pm Iraqi time, pending an absolute confirmation that it was indeed Saddam Hussain. He was shaved, and a DNA test was reportedly conducted.
Ladies and gentlemen, we got him, Iraqs American administrator Paul Bremer told a news conference that was convened once the determination had been made.
US military commander Lt Gen Ricardo Sanchez then showed a video of Saddam in custody, his hair dishevelled and a long beard streaked with grey, which he tugged at reflectively during what seemed to be an interrogation session.
Sanchez said the former leader was not injured and has been talkative and cooperative. He was tired and seemed resigned to his fate.
In Baghdad, video images beamed by CNN showed people appearing to celebrate on the streets amid bursts of celebratory gunfire. Some Iraqi journalists were reported to have chanted Death to Saddam at Bremers press conference. ( Does the capture of Saddam make any difference to the global war on terrorism? )
The news of Saddam Hussains capture was said to have been conveyed to President Bush by Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld at around 3.15 am, while the President was sleeping in Camp David, Maryland. Bush flew back to the White House soon after.
In a television address at noon on snow-blanketed day in Washington, Bush said the capture of Saddam meant the Iraqi people would never have to fear him again and they could look forward to Sovereignty for your country, dignity for your great culture, and opportunity for every life.